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I can keep my mind intact by getting on with a new mission
I can push myself, having heavy ammunition
When something gets me down, for a second I'm distracted
I look back amongst the lights I consequently lit my path with
-Josh Whitehouse-


I was nestled in my blankets, warm and deep in sleep. The darkness around enveloped me softly. That was... until a strike of light shone upon my face. "Inej!" I whined, turning around and placing my pillow over my head to cover the light.

"Get up." Kaz's voice spoke up.

"Kaz...? Now I'm definitely not getting up." I mumbled; my voice muffled under the pillow.

"We've got to go sell the De 'Kappel at the Black Market." He explained.

"And why do I have to go?" I asked.


There it was again. The one worded answer that wasn't even an answer.

"How about we go in the evening and not at 6:00 am." I grumbled.

"It's actually 1:00 pm... you missed breakfast." He pointed. I turned around to finally face him. He stood close to the end of the bed. In one hand he had his cane, in the other he held a plate of waffles. I laughed trying to sit up.

"What's so funny?" He stepped back.

"You look like you're going to offer someone a hearty, thoughtful, breakfast before killing them." I said as he sat down on the edge of the bed and handed the plate to me.

"I am offering someone a hearty, thoughtful, breakfast and they better hope I don't kill them." He stated. I took the knife and fork and cut a piece of the waffles, taking a bite.

"I don't care if you kill me. We'll leave in the evening for the Black Market." I responded while trying to chew. He looked at me threateningly but I had come to be as stubborn as he was. I picked a piece of waffle on my fork and extended it out for him. "Want a bite?"

He looked down at the piece and I guessed he was going to refuse, but he leaned down slowly and took the piece off the fork with his mouth. He chewed on it thoughtfully.

"Could use more syrup." He stated.

"Agreed." I took another bite when I heard a rumble. At first, I thought it was my stomach, but then I realized it was Kaz's. He realized it too and stood up abruptly, hoping I hadn't notice.

But I had.

"Sit." I demanded. He looked at me, but I glared at him and he slowly sat back down.

"Kaz, when was the last time you ate?" I asked.

"Uh... maybe yesterday...? I can't really remember; I was so busy-"

I extended the fork with another piece to him. "No wonder you're always in a bad mood." I interrupted.

"I don't want to be fed by you-"

I retracted my hand put the piece in my mouth and chewed it a bit aggressively. "I'm eating with you; I'm not feeding you." I put another piece on the fork and reached forward. "Now take it before I have to shove it down your throat." I demanded.

He leaned forward and took the piece in his mouth, chewing on it. The next bite was mine. And then his. Then mine again. We alternated until we finished the waffles on the plate. I handed the empty plate back to him.

"Don't you feel better now?" I asked.

"I feel like my stomach is about to burst with how much I ate." He complained, though he looked a bit better. He took the plate and stood up.

Dirtyhands {Kaz Brekker X Reader}Where stories live. Discover now