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I would take a bullet for you just to prove my love
Only to find out you are the one holding the gun
-Madison Beer-


Two weeks had gone by planning for this heist.

And now it was tomorrow.

When I should've been getting a good night's sleep, I found myself pacing my room. I knew Inej was a couple rooms away, but I didn't want to bother her.

Over the course of these two weeks, it seemed I had grown even closer to her. Now that we were working on the same things, we had a lot more to share and discuss. Jesper and I had also come to be really good friends. He was kind of like the brother I never had.

And only he bothered to laugh at my awful jokes and sense of humor.

I wish I could've said the same for Kaz, but if anything, he had become even more distant. Every time I tried to bring up the subject of Pekka Rollins, he put up his guard, made some excuse or dryly turned me down. Inej and I even asked when I'd be initiated with the tattoo of the Dregs, but he kept putting it off... which made me a bit suspicious, but perhaps he had his own reasons.

I plopped down on my bed, trying to clear my mind of all thoughts and find peace and stability needed to sleep. But after constant twisting and turning under the sheets, I huffed, standing up. I grabbed a robe from the closet and left my room.

Perhaps a drink would help ease my mind.

I snuck downstairs. It was much too late for the club to be open for customers. It seemed weird seeing the large place so empty. I went behind the bar where the bartender usually worked. I pulled out a glass and started searching for some bottles.

I had never really made a drink before, but maybe today I could experiment. I started pulling out and tasting various liquids, selecting the ones that would best mix well together. But that's when I heard a thud and creak on the stairs. It sounded like someone was coming down them.

"Jesper how many times have I told you not to raid the drinks when- oh" Kaz stopped at the foot of the stairs when he saw me, my arm suspended over the shelves reaching for a bottle. I grabbed the bottle and pulled the cork out.

"I couldn't sleep." I explained, taking a whiff of the contents inside. I expected Kaz to scold me about what I was doing then turn around and leave, instead he just watched as I poured the liquid in my glass. For the finishing touch, I took a bit of lemon and squeezed it in.

I took a sip of concoction and closed my eyes as the liquid went down my throat. It was bitter and tangy at first, but it had slight tropical notes and a sweet aftertaste.

"Mmm that's good." I breathed as I took another sip. Kaz only stood right where he was.

"Make one for me and bring it to my room." He stated, motioning at the drink. Without waiting for a response, he turned around and made his way back up the stairs.

"Make one for me and bring it to my room." I mocked his voice under my breath as I pulled out the bottles again. "What if I don't want to make one for you and bring it your room?" I replied to myself. "You have to cause I bought you, and I can return you whenever I want to." I said, mocking what Kaz would say to that. "Right away, Mr. Brekker." I finished sarcastically, holding up the glass and making sure it was identical to the one I had.

I took my unfinished drink, and the one I made for Kaz, up the stairs on a tray. I knocked before coming in. Once inside I noticed him leaning over his desk, hands on either side of him, and his head down. He wasn't wearing his bowler hat and most of his hair was combed back. Except of the single strand that fell over his eyes.

Dirtyhands {Kaz Brekker X Reader}Where stories live. Discover now