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My whole life came crashing and I'm so
I'm Mr. Lonely
I have nobody
For my own
I'm so lonely

8 years ago

I was blindfolded. I was bound. I was breathless. Everything jostled around me as the wagon pushed on. My insides felt all mushy and cold. "It's going to be okay." My mother's voice grounded me. The wagon lurched forward, and the sound of chains rang through the air. Amidst everything happening around us, she was my magnet. I nuzzled in ever closer, feeling her arms gripping around me.

"What's going to happen to us?" My sister's voice spoke up. My mother didn't respond.

"Ma?" I asked again, urging her to respond.

"Listen here, you two. I want you to have this." She spoke, and as she did, I felt her warm hands around my neck, tying something. I assumed she did the same to my sister as I felt her arms reach over me. I reached up to my neck, as much as I could in my shackles, to feel what she had given me. It was a type of necklace made of fabric.

"What is this?" My sister questioned.

"May the saints keep you safe." Was all my mother whispered. That was when the wagon stopped. It was eerie as all the noises came to a halt. But before I knew it, two large hands grabbed me and ripped me away from my family.

I screamed and thrashed, trying to struggle out of the man holding me. My shouts were joined by my sister's meaning the same thing was happening to her.

"NO THEY'RE MY CHILDREN." My mother cried out. From what I perceived, she was still in the wagon. "NO!" She screamed again, as I heard a raw pain in my mother's voice that I had never heard before. I cried out, wanting to somehow get out of the tight grasp the man had on me. My mother shouted again before I heard a sharp noise.

The sound of contact with skin.

Did my mother just get slapped?

I kicked my legs and I screamed louder than ever...

But at his moment it seemed like no one, not even the Saints could hear my plea.

I was being dragged away, and the sound of the wagon was growing quieter in the distance. I could no longer hear my mother, only my sister being dragged alongside me. I didn't realize when my screams turned to tears, but pretty soon the blindfold around my eyes became soggy as it soaked every last drop.

Eventually my throat hurt, but I didn't stop trying to make noise, crying, wailing, shouting, doing anything... anything... to get out. The arm gripping mine shook me vigorously. "If you wail one more time, I'll cut your tongue out and choke you with it." A deep voice grunted.

"She's barely 10 years old, please forgive her!" My sister protested beside me.

"Find a way to shut her up or I will." The man threatened. I heard chains move and then suddenly I felt arms around me.

"I-It's going to be okay. You'll be fine." My sister whispered to me. I could tell she was afraid, but she had to stay strong for me. "Please stop crying." She requested.

I sniffled, feeling better in her arms, I quieted down. At least she was still with me.

After what seemed like half an hour of walking and trudging along, we stopped. Just when I found some relief in our pause-

"You need to come with us." One man spoke up. I felt the grip around me tighten but my sister was ripped from my arms. "Inej!" I exclaimed as I felt her warm presence leave mine. I blindly waved my arms in front of me, trying to grasp anything.

Dirtyhands {Kaz Brekker X Reader}Where stories live. Discover now