Ch 3:Burn

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Yugito wasn't concerned per se, but it was worrying that people had started to disappear. It started about a week ago with the main instructor, Toshi she believes his name was. He went out after hearing rumors of an attractive young woman that was seen at one of the local bars. No one had seen him since. At first, they believed it to be a one-off incident and he was just suffering through a hangover but then another instructor vanished the next day. The pattern has continued for the past week even with a buddy system in place.

No blood or signs of struggle have been found so the remaining two Kumo shinobi seem to be hoping that their comrades are safe. However, she got a whiff of something on one of the few times she was left alone outside the temple. It smelled of old blood, and a lot of things having to do with fire. The two-tails haven't stopped purring since she smelled it. Which to Yugito meant that there was something that Matatabi wasn't telling her.

The last two Kumo Shinobi were getting increasingly terrified but at the same time, their hate towards her only seemed to increase. Matatabi seemed to try to convince her to run before it was too late. Yugito disagreed however, where could they go? Somebody was killing or capturing all the Kumo shinobi in this area. She may hate them for what they did but she was still part of Kumo.

'That's all just a technicality. Besides I know what kind of being is doing this, they wouldn't harm you.' Matatabi purred. Yugito shook her head, she didn't understand why Matatabi was pushing this so much, and why did she use the word being to describe them? Almost as if...

Yugito jolted as she heard an unholy shriek, she heard the remaining shinobi curse but it was too late.

It was down to just the two of them now.

Mei stared at the woman she had in front of her, pulling back her short spiky black hair with a bandanna. The female hadn't stopped her shrieking once she woke up, even with the duck tape covering her mouth. She had stuffed it in an old gym sock so it would muffle the sound further. Still didn't stop her from screaming his head off. She wasn't as bad as some of the people she killed but her soul was too rotten to leave alive. Almost all of these bastards had at least done it once and even if it was just for a little while, doing that to another human being is sick beyond belief. Some of them tried but failed but most succeeded. She wouldn't be letting any of them live. This person was a female so she would cut off her breasts first. Then she would be cutting out her uterus or at the very least she would make it so damaged it wouldn't have children anymore. She wouldn't be repairing any of the damage as she hoped the woman would die from the blood loss.

She was screaming a lot when it started but as she lost more blood she started to calm down some. The whole time Mei just spoke to her calmly about why she was doing this.

"I'm glad whatever poor soul that you targeted managed to escape your claws..."

"You are an awful person and I'm glad I'm making it so you can't hurt anyone anymore..."

"I'm not surprised this hurts, but I wonder how much emotional pain you would have caused if you had succeeded in your actions. I suppose it's a good thing we'll never know huh?"

"You know I'm shocked you're begging me for mercy."

"How are you going this long? I think you should have died by now."

Mei, as a demon, found a sick sort of enjoyment out of this. Seeing a sinner get what they deserve is something every demon wants. It's one of the reasons why being a tormenter is such a hard job to get into. Demons have always been malevolent but after humans were added to the physical plain it got a lot harder to curb their instincts. If there was one good thing about the Life Sucker event, it allowed them to finally put in proper restrictions instead of it being an unregulated market. Granted they had put in some before that, but they were few and far between. The same was true with a lot of other spirits, it allowed them to put restrictions in place that they weren't even aware that they needed.

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