Ch 2 explanation

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She kept the redhead in her mind, if his Uncle seemed unfit or if he died, Mei would be taking him. No exceptions. Her family plus the rest of the clan thought the same and soon it spread across their nation. It even spread to the spirit world because somebody spilled the beans in the Scarlet blood bathhouse. Most of them hated it and some even seemed intent on kidnapping the children regardless of family. Thankfully the gods put their feet down and told them not to interfere unless necessary. Mainly because angels would throw a major fit and none of them wanted to deal with that.

Honestly, Mei was pretty sure that was one of the few reasons they told them that when the main was really because humans aren't supposed to live in the spirit world. At least not while they're still alive, it can cause damage because time passes differently. Granted, a gifted one might be more yokai than human but they're still mortal. It could either make them even more spirit than human or it might kill them. Not much was known about what happened when a human got trapped in the spirit world for their lifetime. Some theorized they'd become a yokai themselves or maybe something else. However, she knows that the Fae have done it. Usually with changelings but their neck of the woods was a lot more dangerous than most places in the spirit world. They minded their business and they minded theirs. Even now they view humans in a mixed light.

Fae folk were easy to offend and even easier to get mixed up with them. From what she heard diplomacy with them was a nightmare due to how tricky their words can become. But their relationship with them was positive. The current ruler was stern but fair. Mei was pretty sure Mothman was a Fae or at least part of them was.

She sighed however the lights of the train showed its arrival. There were only two cars but not many people went where she was going.

She let the conductor punch the ticket before sitting down, in the late evenings almost everyone had already gotten off. It didn't take long to get to the transportation building. It looked like an ordinary shrine but on the inside, it was decorated with runes and seals. She heard a book snap shut and let out a snicker.

"They got you on transportation duty? What did ya do this time to get it?" She asked the older demon.

"You should know by now that it's none of your business." The tengu replies snappishly. Mei let out a whistle before saying anything.

"Ya lost another bet, didn't ya?" She questions him smugly. He scowls at her but she just let out a sharp-toothed grin.

"Alright! You know the rules, make sure your true form is hidden from humans, try to keep the guy's death on the down low, make sure you give the soul to Death before claiming the body, and finally keep your arms and legs inside the transportation circle unless you wanna lose them!" Arashi yelled at her.

"Arashi. I've been through this over a dozen times, you don't need to remind me every time I have a job." She hears the birdman let out a huff before walking over to the activation pad. Before he presses his hand down he says this "Make sure to cut their reproductive organs off before you kill them, people like them always deserve it the most." She gives him a quick nod before he presses down on it and she feels a pit form in her stomach. It'll be the last she sees of him for a while.

The warp between continents wasn't unpleasant but it always did make her feel a bit weird when getting out. It was kinda like floating yet you're being pushed forward by a fast-moving current. The idea itself came from water spirits so she's not too surprised.

She heard Mothman mention it being similar to a plane, which was what air travel used to be before... The Life Sucker event. It may sound silly in name but the way the ancients described it... Historians will often call it the fall of humanity. There was a high population of 7 billion people on Earth back then. And it was only growing! However, the minute that bitch showed up everything went to hell. Sure there was war, but it would end like it always did. She claimed to be a celestial but in reality, she was just an alien that wanted peace no matter the cost. If it weren't for the sage or his brother, she would have succeeded in killing the last humans. And probably the rest of the spirit world.

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