❀Chapter Fourteen ❀

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I don't know if it was the ways his eyes gleamed at me under the moonlight or the two shots of gin that were in my drink, but there were no longer any doubts in my mind. I'm going to leave this bar and go home with Hayden.

He looks at me, acknowledging the wanting that's written all over my face. Without a word Hayden grabs my hand and we walk out to the parking lot. The second we are in the car his fingers begin making their way up and around the inner curve of my thigh. If he continues like this I know he will finger me and I won't have the willpower to stop him. I won't want to stop him.

I try to focus on the road but my eyelids flutter heavily as arousal courses through my veins. Hayden's fingers have reached the apex of my thighs and are rubbing me back and forth through my cotton underwear. He leans over the gearstick to have better access to my neck. Each time I think I can't possibly get more turned on by him even, he outdoes himself. He trails kisses from my collarbone up to the sensitive spot on my ear and begins teasing my earlobe with his teeth.

"You're so wet for me Ro."

His fingers start to slide the front of my underwear over to the side for better access, right as I'm pulling up to his apartment. Nerves start to form in the pit of my stomach and I swat his hand away playfully.

"Hayden, we can't be doing this here right now. What if someone sees us!?"

He laughs, kissing my forehead tenderly as he peels his body away from mine and gets out of the car.

"One day I'm going to seduce you in a crowd full of people and you're going to love it."


He kisses my open and shocked mouth closed as he leads us over to the door of his apartment. I'm happy to do less talking and more kissing. Just the thought of him doing anything sexual to me in public goes above and beyond what I can handle right now. I want to take it slow and fast at the same time, but sex in public sounds terrifying. Thankfully I don't have to worry about anything else right now but my lips on his, while he's got my body pinned to his doorway. Our kisses are rushed but passionate. Every time he glides his tongue around my mouth I think about what it would be like to have him doing the same thing but in my underwear. Which thanks to Hayden is practically soaking now.

"Shouldn't we take this make out session inside?"

"I guess. I just can't resist the way your body looks in my doorway."

He smiles, bending down to put the keys in and open the door. We head through the living room back to his bedroom. I glance around at the living room that just a few nights ago had been filled with the laughter of our friends. I try not to cringe at the thought of losing Zach, shaking my head as if to physically remove him from my mind.

When we reach the bedroom I immediately recognize the purple velvet comforter from the picture he sent me, but I never noticed there were several mirrors lining the side of the wall across from his bed. Anything that happens in his bed is reflected on his wall of mirrors. Anything that we do tonight, he will be able to watch from all angles. His music is already on and humming a seductive song by Puscifer.

"Jesus is risen, it's no surprise. Even he would martyr his mama to ride to hell between those thighs. The pressure is building at the base of my spine. If I gotta sin to see her again then I'm gonna lie, lie, lie."

Standing right in front of me he lets go of my hand and takes his shirt off. The nerves start to spread up from my stomach to my chest. If I take off my dress, I'll be left in nothing but my bra and panties. He takes notice of my hesitation.

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