࿏Chapter Eight ࿏

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Uncle Ben is the only living relative that has shown any interest in me through my adult life, everyone else just stopped sending "happy birthday" cards when I turned sixteen. I've been shunned by my family ever since. To be fair I've always been the black sheep at family gatherings. I'm the only one covered in "hedonistic" tattoos. My smart mouth and quippy remarks just about send the most zen people over the edge. My Uncle always saw through my bullshit. He just passed me a helmet and put me on a motorcycle to promptly shut me up. I did some motocross racing back in the day but now I just ride for fun.

There's definitely something different about this girl, not just that she's nothing like the type of girl I normally take home to fuck. Those girls never bother to try and get to know me, it's always about taking shots and getting laid. Maybe that's all I'm good for anyway. But not Rory. She actually seems to care about me.

Upon giving Rory a quick once over I can tell right away that she's got a preppy vibe. Her hair is in a slicked back blonde ponytail that's just about as tight on her scalp as she is about life. I wonder if she's ever had any fun that doesn't involve some kind of grade to be given out at the end. I'm sure she worked hard to become Valedictorian but I notice a hint of sadness in her eyes that makes me think she's not fully invested in this life. Did she work this hard for herself? Maybe it's not even her dream that she's slaving to bring to reality? I can relate to that. Except I gave up on living up to anyone's expectations of me a long time ago.

Her lips purse as she sits across from me, silently trying to figure me out as well. I feel myself getting hard at the thought of what I could do with her ponytail and full pink lips. My hands ball up into fists under the table so that she can't see how white my knuckles are as dirty thoughts travel through my mind. I can't be like this with her. What's wrong with me? I need to get under control.

I'm brought out of my sexual musings to watch as Rory keeps struggling to support my huge jacket up on her narrow shoulders. I can't help but laugh as she attempts to use the leather fabric to hide that she's taking a sip of beer. It's so cute how nervous she is of breaking the rules.

"Don't worry Ro, no one is going to bust you for drinking underage. Not if you're with me."

This seems to calm her down a bit and we both sit in silence drinking our beers. Her shoulders become less and less tense with each gulp. To my surprise she starts asking me personal questions about my life. I feel uncomfortable under her scrutiny so I turn the questions back around on her. She's very candid and open about her life so I easily find out that she's an only child with dreams of getting into an elite college one day. She explains that her plans are to get into a summer internship in Des Moines while she waits for her college acceptance letters to come.

"What colleges do you have your heart set on, Ro?"

"Well my mom went to Northwestern and my dad went to Stanford, so they really want me to apply to those."

"Those are fine colleges for your parents Ro. But what do you want?"

She looks stunned by my question. Has no one ever asked her this before?

"I-I-don't know. I've been preparing to go to college for as long as I can remember. It's never really been a question in my mind."

I give her a reassuring nod and stare into my almost empty glass of beer. She's on a trajectory with her life that I couldn't possibly imagine myself coming anywhere close to. What could I possibly offer her?

Veering away from the topic of college, my questions become more directed towards her life and what her interests are. With each swallow of beer she opens up to me more and more. I notice her cheeks turning pink with the flush of someone who doesn't drink alcohol often. I listen to everything she says, eager to understand her on a deeper level. Something I never would've bothered or cared about with other women. But for some reason I can't stand the thought of her not talking to me or, even worse, her finding another guy to talk to. Am I getting jealous? No that's impossible, I've only known this girl for less than a week.

Our back-and-forth banter starts to slow down as I run out of questions to ask. Just then I remember there's a set of cornhole boards stored somewhere and I excuse myself to go look for them. I walk up to the bar and get Gina's attention.

"Would you be a doll and grab the keys to the closet where the cornhole boards are?"

"Anything for Prince Hayden."

She teases me mercilessly, but I know she'll give me anything I ask her for. I had her eyes rolling in the back of her head, giving her the best orgasm of her life last weekend. I wonder what Aurora's face looks like when she orgasms?

Before that thought can go any further, Gina has the storage closet unlocked and is gesturing for me to come inside. I heave the large boards onto my shoulders while Gina carries the bean bags in a sack behind me. As she opens the backdoor to the patio my chest tightens with anxiety. Is Rory gone? Will she be talking to some other guy? Fortunately I don't have to be paranoid for very long because I see Rory. She is sitting right where I left her, smiling with her entire glass of beer completely empty. She looks up at me with the cornhole boards.

"Oh, are we going to play that?"

"Yes we are."

She starts jumping up and down with the excitement of a toddler. Gina takes a good look at Rory, then back to me, and tosses the bag on the ground. Even though she looks amused by the prospect of me with a girl like Rory, I sense the envy in her stare. Thankfully Rory doesn't notice the look Gina is giving her. She reaches down to pick up a bean bag and throws it at the board. She gets it in the hole on the first try.

"Oh wow I didn't realize I was playing with the cornhole master!"

I walk over and squeeze her arm gently. A slight shock on our skin reminds me of the first time I met her. Instead of pulling away like I expect her to, she leans into my grasp and let's me spin her around like a ballerina. I jokingly bow down to her. My curiosity to get to know this girl is making me feel things that I haven't felt in a long time.

"Queen of all bar games, how will I ever defeat you?"

She grabs the sides of her stomach laughing to the point of shaking. I love making her laugh this way. We continue playing cornhole late into the night. Her innocence shines and I'm drawn into it. Our laughter fills the night, and I can already feel myself wanting to make her smile forever. Does she even know how beautiful she is?

Rory makes me take a shot of Jameson every time I lose so I can be as drunk as she is. Fortunately I know how to hold my liquor, I can't say the same for her. I step away from our game to smoke a cigarette. Rory follows right behind me, staggering into the dimly lit corner of the chain fence. While I smoke she angles her body against me for support. Her other arm reaches out to mine and I twirl her in close to me. She leans her head on my chest and there's no better feeling in the world.

I flick my cigarette over the fence, hoping she won't notice that I'm finished and step away from me. I squeeze her a little bit tighter to my body so that she's completely enveloped in my arms. Our breathing, in and out, is in perfect unison. Then she looks up at me with those doe eyes that I can no longer resist.

"Hayden I-"

Before she can finish her sentence I gently grab her face and press my mouth on hers. Everything about her is soft and warm. At first her kiss is timid but my fingertips caressing her jaw urges her deeper into me. She opens her mouth ever so slightly and I welcome access to her plump lower lip. I slide my tongue along it and then suck it into my mouth.

I didn't realize I had bit her lip until I tasted blood in my mouth. She lets out a moan and pulls away while rubbing her fingers back and forth over her lips. I watch as she examines the blood stains on her fingertips. She glances up at me with a mixture of fear and wonder.

"No one has ever kissed me like that before."

I bend down, extending my tongue out to her mouth and lick the rest of her blood off swollen lip. A fiery desire starts to build in my body. I can visibly see a shiver go through her and I know that whatever this is, she's feeling it too. Before she has time to overthink this, I need to have more of her. Now is my chance.

"You're pretty drunk Rory. It would be careless of me if I let you drive home in your current state. Do you want to come back to my place? You could rest there, it's just a few blocks away."

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