Webcam Boys ➳ [Zarriall]

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Niall Horan is the type to hype the crowd of young, or older men. He Live video chats naked, but it
seems like he isn't drawing as many viewers as before. Which leads to his innocent curly follower.

Harry Styles who's innocents can be his ultimate weakness against Niall's hunger for attention. His Live séx show isn't paying enough, so why not spice it up by bringing Harry into the śêx show life?

As the story follows:

Why be in the porn industry when you can set up a webcam in your room and entertaining countless of men for money?

Or the one where Niall not only convinces Harry to have Live Webcam Séx, but eventually wants to add another guy into the mix.

Will Harry for Niall?

Will this new guy cause a riff between Narry?

Will all three be in a relationship together?

Or will someone end up truly heartbroken after all this goes down?


Zarriall ~ [Niall + Harry + Zayn]

Yay or Nay?

Warning: Lots of sexual situations and cursing.




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