Yours For The Night

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A forced "girls day" was on the horizon.

China wanted to vomit at the thought of spending hours of her day eating and spa-ing in the same area as Malaysia. But there they were. Sitting in a booth after manicures and massages. Fivel, Willow, Maya, China, Normani, and Malaysia all sat at a round table and over shared their lives. China was careful to only spill tidbits so that she was active but not giving too much.

"I needed this so bad," Fivel said, picking only cherry tomatoes out of her salad to eat. "My body has been a wreck since the baby,"

"I can rec a trainer or if you want. You don't really need it though. Your body is actually amazing," Malaya commented, eating a crouton.

"Thank you but I meant more like internally. Sometimes I still get ghost contractions. It's crazy."

"Oh my god. That's a thing?" Malaysia said before biting a carrot. "Thank God for birth control. Nils is cool but I don't think he's worth all of that,"

China and Normani were quiet for most of the conversation that day but only then did her ears perk up.

"Ewwwwa," Fivel squealed, covering her mouth and laughing. "If that was your way of telling me you're hooking up with my brother I could have done without."

"Whoooaaaa," Maya smiled. "So you guys are for real?"

"Not really like a relationship. But we are fully utilizing our time together." She smirked.

China felt a squeeze on her knee and she knew it was Normani trying to ease her pain. She was furious inside. Booboo spent weeks lying about the status of his and Malaysia's relationship. He swore up and down it was all fake.

Cameron Boyce tagged China McClain in a photo.

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CAPTION: halp😣

China sort of scowled as she lay there watching Nils grunt and sweat above her.

This kept happening. It was like her standing on train tracks, watching a train come at her full-speed, and still just... standing there. Knowing this is going to end poorly. Knowing she's eventually going to get hit. She stands there.

Or lays there rather.

"Okay. J-just stop," China shook her head and pushed him off of her once she came to her senses.

Booboo frowned as he watched her slide from under him. "What?!"

China began putting on her underwear and leggings. "I'm not into it right now. I told you I wasn't in the mood and I let you talk me into anyway. And I had to force you to wear a condom so-"

"Yeah so we might as well keep going," he rolled his eyes.

"Not if it doesn't feel good." China rolled her eyes too as she walked toward the door.

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