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The day had come where it was finally time to meet the big wigs at the record label.

Everyone piled up into a rented Rover and began a two-hour road trip to some huge corporate building in a place called Kent.

When they arrived, China sent a Snapchat of the huge building that read ATG in bold red letters to Gabe before following the band inside. Feeling artsy, China hit record as they all stepped into the elevator and began filming them.

"So, where are you guys headed?" China turned the camera to Maya who was wrapping a bun on top of her head.

"We're going to meet up with our manager John and our publicist Shannon so they can prep us for this hugggeee press conference we have in about an hour and a half," Maya said looking at her watch.

"Press conference for what?" China asked, turning the camera to Cameron.

"We're going on toooooooouuuuurrrrr," Cameron yelled and the rest of the band followed through by cheering and pretending to be enthusiastic to hide the fact that they were all hungover.

When they finally hit the 21st floor, they filed out of the elevator and crept down a hall and into a huge conference room. It was pretty much empty besides the middle-aged man and blonde woman sitting at the peak of a U-shaped table. The two stood up to greet them and issue handshakes.

"You must be the China that these guys keep raving about. I'm John. How are you?" The guy was tall and very good-looking. He was clearly in his 40s at the least but, still, damn.

"I'm fine. Nice to meet you. And thank you so much for this." China smiled.

"Don't thank me, I did it for myself. If I had to hear them whine for one more day..."

China turned around to laugh at them as they all stood there offended.

"Kidding. I've actually seen your work. Scrolling through the comments, I came to realize how important these video diaries are to their fans so," he shrugged. "Why let them down when they're the sole reason they're signed in the first place. Right?"

"Okay, okay. I'm here. Sorry, we're late!" Fivel came strolling in with Willow close behind. She was pushing a rack of clothes that were separated by name tabs. She took off her bag and placed it on the table. "Sorry Boo, they didn't have your hair mousse."

Normani chuckled and Booboo playfully slapped her on the back of her head.

"Awe, Fivel." China and walked over and began helping her put the breaks down on the rack. "Ya'll should have told me you were running errands for them, I would have come and helped you."

"No, no. I'm fine. I never let anyone help me. I love running around, it gives me a rush." Fivel said nodding. "The only reason I let Willow come is because she knows this country and she promised me a bag of baby snickers."

"But Five, you're pregnant." China laughed as she took off her sweater.

"I know and I have to do all the moving I can before I start showing."

"Hey! Hands off! They're mine!" Cameron said before slapping the back of Maya's hand as if she were a child touching an outlet or something.

"I look better in black than you do," she argued.

"These lies," Cameron said snatching his skinny jeans back. "Besides, you're like two feet tall. You couldn't fit these even if you wanted. Stay off my side of the rack."

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