Chapter 37 - Edge of the Universe

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'That's where we are headed,' said Ari, pointing forward into the depths of space.

Ezra squinted through the glare that still made it through the windscreen visor. It was a confusing scene, the light emanating all over, but he could make out a tiny globe, glowing bluey-white against the dark backdrop. At the far edges of the view were other planets.

'That's going to be home?'

'Yes, assuming that there are no strange phenomenon, or aliens doing their farming activities. Two more days, Ezra.'

'The edge of the universe. Apart from that light. And you still say there is never-ending matter all around? Jeez, let's just get down and try to live without the mind-blowing stuff. I'm sure it will be hospitable. At least, it looks alive. It's beautiful.'

'Quite a journey, eh, Ezra?'

'Yes, mate, we've been through a few things.'

'I've just sent a message back to SEASA. In case we are unable to do so, once we land. Can you imagine all the ships following in our path?'

'Yes, I can. We did it, Ari.' They formally shook hands. 'But...hey...what is that old phrase? Never celebrate until the shuttlecock lands inside the line.'

Ezra decided that he would go around everybody personally, to share Ari's information. He found Charles pottering about with potatoes in one of his greenhouses, and saw the Frenchman's mind already turn to his plans for planting a variety of crops. In the engine room, Toto and Farrah hugged him, speechless with happiness. The doctors remained professional, but he could see their relief. Ridhima smiled at him as she saw him out. 'Thank you,' she whispered. Roach said, 'About bloody time, mate.' Professor Birney asked him if he could tell their two prisoners the news, next time he took food down with Roach, to which he agreed. He found Cerys and Medina in the Mess, sitting close together, looking like a couple, and bizarrely, reading the same book. Frankly, he was surprised that they could manage to stay on the same page.

'We're two days from going in to land at the next target planet.'

'That's great news, boss,' said Medina, flashing his perfect white smile.

'I thought you might want to prepare yourselves. Let's hope we won't have to move on again.'

Cerys seemed to notice how uncomfortable he was seeing them together like that, and put the book down. She smiled and nodded. 'Let's hope so. Thank you for telling us, Ezra.'

'Right, well. Medina, weapons check later tonight. Most of us will be going out this time.'

He left them to it and walked off.

Ezra saw Rizki chatting to Inggrid, but they did not need him telling them anything. He got a coffee, giving Alexander the news, as he did so. The Russian chef looked relieved, and perhaps apprehensive about the future. Or maybe he was still worrying about his comrade's traitorous sabotage exploits.

Ezra took a tour of the ship, looking out wherever he came across a porthole. He thought about what they had been through. He thought about Dinah, and Flo, about life before all this began. He considered all the normal things he had survived: military operations, a knife attack in Rome, relationship break-ups, a minor plane crash in the German Congo. And about the recent abnormal ones: giant mosquito attacks, fighting off alien space craft, attacked by a psychotic woman professor, developing feelings for Ridhima. He had not exactly survived his feelings for Ridhima, but just that it had been an emotional time for him. He hoped they could get down on a friendly, more suitable place, very soon.

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