Chapter 10 - Down Time

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Ezra became tired and frustrated with the waiting for the take-off day to arrive. Ninety per cent of a soldier's life was waiting about for the action to start, and, while he liked the SEASA base, there was only so much he could take of lifting weights and watching movies. He still had the jeep that he had borrowed to bring in Rizki, and he made some phone calls to the outside world. His plan was in place, so now all he had to do was track down Cerys.

He knew she wouldn't be working, or even casually interviewing anybody. She wasn't in the canteen, or her quarters. After further enquiries, he found her taking part in a yoga class, with female SEASA officials and Marine wives. Disappointingly there were no leotards involved, just tee-shirts and tracksuit bottoms. Once the class was over, he accosted her in the corridor. She was surprised to see him there.

'I don't suppose you fancy a trip out?' he asked.

'Are we allowed to go off site?'

'No. That's the fun of it.'

'Out where?'

'It's a surprise.'


She went off to shower and get ready. He brought the jeep to the agreed rendezvous point behind her quarters, to where she ran over, giggling like a naughty schoolgirl skipping class. He gunned the jeep to the main gate. They were waved through by the Marine guards, and Ezra headed them north.

They reached their destination quite quickly. She was holding onto the windshield, her hair drying in the wind. She let out a laugh, as the surprise was visible from a mile away; a hot air balloon was filled up and ready to go.

'Really? You think I'm going up in that thing?'

'Cerys, girl, you're about to go up in a space rocket. What's a little drift about at two thousand feet? You'll get a great view of the island.'

He pulled into a clearing, skidding the jeep to a stop, its wheels sending up dust. There were several huts, and a café; a regular little tourist business. Three old army buddies were waiting for him. They did the man hug thing, then Cerys was introduced.

A man in combat gear and a hat that would not have been out of place on an African safari, was going to be taking them up. Ezra introduced him as Owen. Cerys looked earnestly to the man for a health and safety briefing, but instead she got, 'Hop aboard, love.'

The basket was not one of those small wicker jobs; instead, it was more like one built to carry a dozen passengers. Ezra helped her aboard. Owen gave a few loud blasts on the burner, while his colleagues untied them, and they were away, waving at the people left on the ground.

They rose slowly above the canopy. Immediately, the view out to sea was mind-blowingly gorgeous. Cerys held on tight to the side of the basket, happy to have Ezra's arm around her, also.

'Oh, wow, Ezra, this is simply heavenly,' she gushed.

'I knew you'd like it.'

'I could stay up here forever.'

'Well, you've got an hour. But it's a special balloon trip.'

'In what way? Please don't tell me it involves parachutes.'

'No.' He pointed out a small hamper. 'It's a luxury balloon ride.'

Cerys laughed, and sighed back into him.

They enjoyed the relaxing flight, crossing little English towns and the patchwork quilt of farmland. Finally, he brought out the salmon sandwiches and champagne.

'Here's to our new adventure,' he toasted.

'Cheers to that.'

'So, no last-minute doubts?' he asked.

'No, I don't think so. Of course, being up here like this briefly changes my perspective on things, but it's not a very nice planet, is it? I have no children. I'm quite stubborn once I set my mind on something. I'm still keen for it.'

He clinked champagne flutes with her.

'We seem to be losing altitude,' she noticed.

'Yes, Owen will bring us back in lower down.'

They enjoyed the buffet.

'Thank you for this,' she said. 'It was exactly what was needed in the last few hours.'

'The fun isn't over yet.'

'Well, we are too low for parachuting out, so I simply can't imagine what you have in mind.'

'You'll see.'

After another ten minutes, he packed away the picnic. He shared a look with Owen, before going to another box. From this, much to Cerys' fascination, he brought helmets, plastic facemasks, goggles, and then automatic paintball guns.

'Whaaaat!?' she laughed.

She scanned the sky, vainly looking for a rival balloon to fire at in passing.

'Get yourself ready,' he said, acting all serious. He plonked the helmet on her head.

They put on all the safety gear, before Ezra showed her how the gun worked. She popped off a few shots into mid-air. Owen allowed the basket to glide even lower, until they were just above the treetops. Suddenly paintball hits from the ground crackled into the side of the balloon.


'We are strafing enemy on the ground, Cerys! Come on, return fire.'

She squealed with absolute delight, aiming her gun downwards, trying to see her target through the holes in the mask. More pellets splattered the basket. One glanced off her left shoulder.

'I'm wounded!' she laughed.

They were passing over glorious green parkland. There was a stationary truck, with five people standing in the back, firing up at them. Cerys laughed madly and returned fire.

Ezra tapped her arm. 'More of them to the left!'

Other enemy soldiers were running across the grass. She peppered them with shots, and they dutifully fell down. Ezra fired away at the truck. One star man did a dramatic stunt fall onto the grass and lay dead.

'Keep up the fire, Cerys. For God's sake, woman!'

The balloon passed overhead, with Cerys firing away joyously. She realized that Owen was at her side, trying to make her take something from him.

'What? What is it?'

'It's a paint bomb.'

'It's nottttttt!?'

She took it as they passed exactly above the truck.

'Take them out, Cerys,' cried Ezra. 'Hurry, before they shoot us down.'

Cerys took aim, before dropping the bomb right on the target. It splattered spectacularly on the cab of the truck, and the enemy soldiers were wiped out. She screamed with delight, hugging Ezra.

The balloon drifted on. With their facemasks pulled down, Ezra and Cerys continued to cuddle, elated, enjoying the final few minutes of the ride.

'Thank you, Ezra. That was the best.'

'You are very welcome.'  

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