Chapter 7 - Terrorist Attack

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They all bounced to their feet to look out, horrified at the scene unfolding before them. In the clear sky, curling up from the jungle canopy, was the unmistakable trail left by a ground-to-air missile. There was smoke and fire pouring from the Izzati, just below the cockpit. Alarms were already sounding across the SEASA complex.

'Terrorist attack!' shouted Ezra. 'Everyone, follow me.'

Taking Cerys by the hand, Ezra led everyone down the stairs. Frightened SEASA staff and officials were heading down, too, from their offices and laboratories. John Tian was there, slapping Ezra on the arm. 'Good man.'

'Is the Deputy Prime Minister still here, John?'

'No, Ezra. He's safely away.'

'Come on.'

They all went down to the basement. Assistant Director, Leo Dovo and his Marine minders arrived – Dovo's bushy eyebrows were raised with the shock of what was happening. Ezra hustled his people into the building's Safe Room. Cerys didn't want to let go of his hand.

'You're not leaving us?' she begged.

'Just for a few moments. You stay in here. Stay with Mr Tian, you'll be fine.'

Once the group of people had locked themselves inside the Safe Room, Ezra turned away, instantly catching a sub-machine gun tossed to him by the arriving Roach. Medina was there, loading a magazine into his own weapon.

'Would you look at us,' grimaced Ezra, indicating that they were all still wearing mules on their feet. 'Barefoot, guys. Let's fucking move.'

They kicked off their mules and headed up the stairs and out of the building. Medina handed Ezra spare ammunition clips which he stuck in his waistband. Some of the English Marines were mobilizing towards the action, while others were gathering up more SEASA staff from various locations. Jeeps loaded with Marines sped by. Ezra and his colleagues spread out and moved towards the sound of small arms gunfire and grenade explosions.

Ezra was on point, his old-style weapon out in front of him, with his colleagues to either side. They moved through a warehouse zone, pausing to acknowledge a pocket of Marines who were pinned down behind vehicles by fierce terrorist fire. Ezra and his men outflanked the enemy through the buildings, inching forward slowly, until getting visuals on four young terrorists through a set of windows. The terrorists were of various races and creeds; it was not a religious attack, more of an anti-scientific one. On Ezra's lead, they took out the four men with a brief and bloody burst of gunfire.

They moved on, encountering the occasional SEASA staff member hiding under a desk or behind a car. Ezra did his best to reassure them. The three of them looked for cover at all opportunities. A ginger-haired terrorist carrying a rocket launcher ran right into Ezra's field of vision and Ezra cut him down into a messy heap on the ground.

Ezra and his men jogged across a car park and headed into a wooded area. Here they found a squad of English marines engaged in a noisy firefight. They joined in with the battle. Two marines lay wounded, but the terrorist threat started to fade away, and Ezra led a clearing sweep that went to the front of the SEASA territory. At the main gate he could see casualties, being treated by medics. Several buildings were on fire.

Another firefight seemed to be ongoing to the east, towards the beach. Ezra reloaded and led Roach and Medina onwards. A grenade exploded and a Marine screamed. The crackle of gunfire sounded. Ezra caught a glimpse of the ocean. A terrorist appeared to the left, trying to attack Roach, but Ezra killed the man while remaining on the move.

They came up behind the team of Marines who normally manned the front gate. They were in cover, trying to engage the last fleeing terrorists with only their sidearms. The Marines were more than happy to have help arrive. Ezra knew one of them and punched fists with him as they crouched near each other.

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