Chapter 18 - Independence Day

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It was Indonesia's Independence Day - one hundred and twenty years since the war which finally kicked out the Italian colonialists. The chefs came up with some traditional Indonesian dishes and a sponge cake, with a sparkler.

Professor Stokes, not keen on parties, volunteered to put in an observation shift in the cockpit so that both Ari and Inggrid could attend the function.

Everyone was in high spirits, despite there being no alcoholic beverages. The conversations were rattling along, and even Dr Ghosh was a little more animated than usual.

As it was a day to celebrate independence, Ezra found himself hearing about several French military victories down the centuries from Charles. Ezra was happy to let the Frenchman wax lyrical about Gallic victories and achievements, while keeping an eye on Cerys and Medina; his New Spaniard colleague again having a great deal to say for himself.

'So, we come to the glorious French victory at Agincourt, my friend, where we finally took your land and scattered your people to the far corners of the world.'

'Yes, Charles,' smiled Ezra. 'But you still lost half your country to the Russians.'

With a smiling bow, Charles conceded the point.

The social event allowed Ari and Rizki to spend time together for the first time. Ari apologized for leaving Rizki to deal with things alone.

'Don't be silly, Ari. We agreed to pretend to be strangers. And you've had so much on your plate. I'm so proud of you. I', listen, please... I'm happier to have gone through it with you, rather than just be existing in a worried state, back home.'

Ari wanted to embrace his man. Instead, he ate cake and smiled as Farrah brushed past him.

'Rizki, we can talk more often now. You've got to know everyone without it seeming to be because of me. Hopefully we will have a smooth trip from now on.'

'When will we arrive, Ari? I want to walk on firm ground with you again.'

'Very soon. I promise.'

'Go mingle. I'm fine. So happy.'

Professor Birney stepped across to them. 'Ari, I wanted to ask...'

'Yes, Professor?'

But Professor Birney had frozen, just looking across the room. A smile came to his face and he pointed. Shiro the cat had wandered in, fit as a fiddle, and was looking around everyone as if he were the King and they were his subjects.

Farrah squealed with delight, and Alexander let out a giggle, and punched the air to see such a happy thing. Finally, Inggrid was made aware of what was happening, her quizzical head slowly turned, and amid cheers and applause she rushed down onto her knees to scoop up Shiro. She hugged him with all the love she could possibly summon.

'Shiro! My darling Shiro!'

She kissed and cuddled the cat, which had finally decided to wake up. Naturally, it was less than impressed with the attention.

From then onwards, Shiro had free range of the Izzati. He became the ship's mascot - everybody stroked him, in passing, or spoke to him warmly (everybody except Dr Ghosh, that is, who hated cats). Shiro chose a Mess chair to sleep on, and everybody respected that decision. Inggrid and Alexander created a suitable menu for him. He loved it on board. Less lizards to catch, but he was very content.

Inggrid was a woman reborn; reinvigorated. She was even keener to find the land they were searching for. She would occasionally stop in at the cockpit when Ari was keeping an eye on things. They would discuss their progress and what the ship's sensors were monitoring. There seemed to be a great deal of matter around the target planet; as if they were spoiled for options to investigate. The visor was down on the cockpit window, as light from the destination galaxy drew them in.

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