Mercy, The Defiant Queen, and Safety

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When Queen Andrea called for Mercy just before dawn, the groggy captain of the Scythe knew there was darkness on the horizon. Each step she took toward the dungeon filled her with more dread. She could sense something wasn't quite right the moment she stepped into the long corridor leading to the dungeons. Six of her guards stood in the hallway, their faces white as a sheet. Mercy puffed out her chest and gave them all a nod. She stopped at the last guard and whispered.

"Is there anything I should know?"

The guard looked down at the ground and Mercy knew whatever was happening couldn't possibly be good. She walked down the corridor and turned the corner into the large dungeon. The image of Andrea beating a prisoner normally wouldn't have fazed Mercy, but seeing the queen of Argos victimized so viciously, cut Mercy deep. Kara was splayed out against the wall with her arms and legs chained tightly. The place where the iron rubbed against her bare skin was bloody and raw. Her clothes were ripped away, and bruises covered much of her body. Just as Mercy stepped over the threshold, Andrea was about to punch Kara in the stomach. Upon hearing Mercy's footsteps, she stopped and turned.

"Oh, there you are."

Mercy gave Andrea a small bow.

"Yes, Majesty. What do you require?"

"Take over here. I'm exhausted and need sleep. It was fun torturing Lena's love, but I grow weary and lack the energy needed to inflict true pain."

Mercy stood, frozen, running scenarios through her mind. She objected to everything Andrea had done recently, but especially her aggression and hostility towards Argos and Queen Kara, all for the sake of some unrequited teenage crush.

"And what information are we seeking, Majesty? Their plans, their number of troops, new weapons or strategies?"

Andrea let out a laugh so dark and so sinister it sent shivers up Mercy's spine and sickened her stomach.

"I seek no information. I seek to cause this imposter queen pain. That is all."

"Imposter?" Mercy asked innocently.

Andrea closed the distance between her and the captain of her elite regiment of knights and slapped her face so hard one of Mercy's teeth loosened and fell to the ground. Mercy didn't move a hand to her cheek or whimper. She wouldn't give Andrea the satisfaction.

"Yes, you idiot. It is times like these that I am reminded of your realm of birth. Are you feeling sympathy for your broken queen? Are your Argosian roots clouding your judgement, Mercy?"

Kara looked up and made eye contact with Mercy. Her face was badly bruised and swollen, and her body looked like she might crumble to dust. Mercy expected Kara to beg with her eyes, but instead she shook her head as if to say, "No. Do not say it."

Mercy looked down at the ground.

"No, Your Majesty. I have no sympathy for this queen or anyone from Argos. My loyalty is to Rojas."

Andrea stomped her foot and applauded.

"Good. Now continue her torture and make it excruciating. I want Lena to hear her screams. Don't let her pass out. I want her to suffer as much as possible."

"Aye, Your Majesty," Mercy said.

Mercy moved close to Kara and slapped her face hard.

Andrea walked out of the room and glared at the squeamish guards waiting in the hall.

"Oh, go if you do not have the stomach for this. Mercy has it under control."

Meanwhile, Mercy froze in place, waiting to hear the footsteps of Andrea and the guards walking away. Once she heard them disappear, she moved quickly to Kara's side.

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