Stronger Together

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Known for their bloodlust and dishonorable tactics, the Blood Army was Queen Andrea's tool for destruction and the Scarlet Scythe was the blade with which she destroyed her enemies without mercy or remorse.

Andrea paced her chambers, stomping and seething with rage. Her captain of the Scarlet Scythe, Mercy, stood at attention near the door. Mercy had been Andrea's captain for almost ten years. Orphaned at a tender age in Rojas, she joined the Blood Army when she was incredibly young, rising through the ranks quicker than any other warrior. Now she was Andrea's most trusted weapon for wreaking havoc and destruction.

"Majesty, no ships have sailed away from Kieran. The queen is still there, and we have had no word from Russell since his last message that the queens are bonding quickly. I know you sent him to turn Kara against Lena, but I do not imagine he has been successful."

Andrea gulped down the rest of her wine and threw her goblet hard at Mercy's head. Mercy dodged the projectile and steadied herself.

"Kieran will burn, and that Sapphire bitch along with it," Andrea screamed at the top of her lungs.

"What are your orders, Majesty?"

Mercy remained composed.

"Attack in the dead of night and take Kieran. Catch them by surprise. I want Queen Kara DEAD."

"What about the Emerald Queen? Shall we kill her as well?"

Andrea walked to the window; hands fisted angrily at her sides.

"No. I loathe her, but she shall not die by anyone's hand but my own. I wish I could punish her for choosing a perfect stranger over someone she once loved like a sister. Our mothers had a bond, but she forgets. She has forgotten about me. When you take the castle, bring Lena to me." Andrea gritted her teeth and clenched her jaw so tight; Mercy could hear her teeth grinding together.

Andrea stood staring out the window.

Mercy waited for a moment as her normally volatile queen seemed paralyzed by her heartbreak.

"Aye, Your Majesty. The Emerald Queen shall live, and she shall be your prize when we are victorious."

"Take our best ships and the Scarlet Scythe. Lay waste to Kieran."

Mercy pounded on her chest, turned on her heels, and exited the room before Andrea could throw anything else.


Kara awoke to a searing pain in her back. She blinked her eyes open and found Lena fast asleep in the chair beside the bed. Her delicate hands rested neatly in her lap.

She looks just like an angel.

No matter what pain she suffered, the image of Lena brought her unrivaled contentment. She watched Lena's chest rise and fall and imagined holding the Emerald Queen in her arms. She closed her eyes and let the image consume her.

I would give my last breath to hold you in my arms and kiss you with all the longing in my heart.

Kara adjusted slightly, and a new, more intense pain assaulted her. She stifled a moan, but Lena stirred. Her eyes opened quickly.

"Good Morrow, Lena or is it Good Eve? I'm not sure what is happening."

Lena sat up and smiled.

"'Tis morrow, but barely. How are you feeling? Do you remember what happened last night? It looks as though someone attacked you."

"I walked to the beach. Alex and I had a disagreement, and she stormed off. I thought I heard something strange behind me and then I remember nothing after that."

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