Three Queens

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For Alex, two weeks passed in the blink of an eye. Lena kept her promise and extended the most lavish and gracious hospitality to the Princess of Argos. She enjoyed the most sumptuous food, slept in the finest guest quarters, and enjoyed unfettered access to the castle and all the grounds.

Busied with matters of state, Lena asked Sam to be Alex's constant companion. Neither Sam nor Alex seemed to mind the arrangement. They shared strolls throughout the castle, sailed around the isles together, and Sam introduced Alex to the forces of Kieran. At five times the headcount of Kara's soldiers, the Emerald Army was an impressive sight to see. Sam arranged for the Captain of the Verdant Guard, Kieran's elite group of knights, to organize military exercises to entertain Alex, but Alex only had eyes for the queen's beautiful chancellor.

After careful thought and consideration for the risks, Alex sent word to Kara via Azril, confirming she should accept Queen Lena's invitation to the Kieran Isles. Having had the opportunity to get to know the queen, her people, and having full and transparent access to the castle and her army, Alex was confident that Queen Lena was an ally and a genuine friend.

The night after Kara sent her reply confirming her trip, Lena called for Sam and Alex to join her in her bedchamber. The hour was late, and the servants were busy packing Lena's things when Alex and Sam arrived. Lena motioned for Sam and Alex to join her near the fire.

"I am deeply grieved to bother you two at such a late hour."

Wishing to ease the queen's worry, Alex opted for honesty.

"'Tis no trouble, Your Majesty. Sam and I were strolling through the gardens when the messenger sent word."

Lena's furrowed brow relaxed, and she smiled sweetly.

"It brings me great joy to see the closeness you two share."

Alex and Sam exchanged a quick glance, and their faces flushed with embarrassment.

Sam took Lena's hand, knowing she would never call for her at such a late hour if something wasn't terribly wrong.

"What's wrong, my dear friend?"

"Our people on the Isle of Marin are suffering, and I must go to them at once. Their grain stores are the victim of spoil from mildew and rot. The people have become gravely ill and there is no food. I need to gather servants, healers, fresh grain, and travel to the island immediately."

Alex couldn't hide her surprise.

"You will go yourself?" Alex said.

She reminds me more and more of Kara each day.

"I know it is quite unusual, but my people suffer, and I need to show them that their queen can help in a time of crisis. They need to know their pleas for help will not fall on deaf ears. It would be enough to send the grain and healers, but their hearts will rest easier knowing I am there."

"You say this is something unusual. I say it is remarkable, Your Majesty," Alex replied.

"How can we help, my queen?" Sam asked. "Do you need help packing and preparing for your journey?

"I'll be fine. The servants are here. Jonn and William are loading the fresh grain, and Winn is fetching the healer's students. They are not nearly as skilled as the great healer, Nia, but she says they are more than capable of helping the people of Marin. I will leave Nia here to care for you and the realm. My only concern is your good Queen Kara. I am terribly sorry I will not be here to greet her when she and her party arrive. I know it will appear discourteous and I beg of you both to explain that if I had any other choice, I would never commit such a terrible wrong, but I must put the safety and wellbeing of my people before anything else. I pray she understands."

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