The Impossible Choice

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"We failed to take the castle, Majesty," Mercy said, puffing out her chest and standing tall. "We stormed the castle in the dead of night and ordered our archers to kill queen Kara and whomever else we could take out. We gave them everything we had, sending flaming arrows through their windows, but we had no success. We injured many but had to retreat when the daughters of Argos took to the windows and killed all of our best archers."

"Does Queen Kara live?"

"We do not know, Your Majesty. We sent many arrows into the window of what we believe to be her bedchamber, but we do not know if any made contact."

"And Lena? Does she live?"

"We have no reason to suspect otherwise. We did not attack her quarters. We're confident she was never in any danger."

"Do you think Lena loves this Queen Kara?"

Mercy shuffled her feet nervously and cleared her throat.

"I cannot tell you if she loves this queen, but tales are told far and wide of her beauty and her charm. Russell's last report was that the queens appeared to be quite close after a short time. I would imagine their affection for each other has increased if they survived the siege on the castle."

Andrea's face fell and once again her mind drifted off to Lena and her broken heart.

"I worry, Majesty," Mercy continued.

"About what?"

"We will fight a better war if you can swear that it is a matter of the safety of Rojas and our people and not a war driven by your personal pain."

Andrea's face flushed bright red with fury. She pulled a small knife from her glove and sliced the blade across Mercy's cheek. Mercy grabbed her face and clenched her jaw, unwilling to give Andrea the satisfaction of her agony.

"If you ever question my motives again, I will have you skinned alive and put on display as a warning just as my mother would have done. Queen Lena betrayed me, just as her mother betrayed mine. I loved her. I gave her my heart and soul. She gave me bitterness and disdain instead. I should have listened to my mother and killed her a long time ago, but I believe there is a better way to make her suffer."

"What are your orders, Majesty?"

"Take all our ships and... actually, no. Take one ship."

"One ship? For what purpose?"

"I have a plan that shall punish Lena and will finally give me the upper hand. I may get exactly what I want after all."


When Kara stirred, it was still the dead of night. She was more than a little surprised to find Lena lying in the bed next to her atop the covers, her face buried in Kara's neck. There was a raging fire in the fireplace, and all seemed peaceful. She was certain this must be heaven. She turned her face and pressed her lips to Lena's forehead.

Lena opened her eyes and raised her head enough to kiss Kara's lips.

"You're awake, my brave hero. How do you feel?" Lena's eyes were still heavy with sleep, but her smile warmed Kara's heart.

"Alive but surprised to be so."

"Well, Argos may have the best knights in the land, but Kieran has the best healers. It was grave, but they could save you. I owe them everything for saving your life. Is the pain terrible? Am I hurting you by lying here with you? I needed to rest, but couldn't bear to leave you. Do you need something to ease your suffering?"

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