The Beginning of the End

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In the West, just beyond the Strait of Bryneich, and surrounded by the Ocean of the Dead and the Sea of Light, there stood nine independent island realms, all matriarchal and formidable in their own right. These islands were collectively known as the Empire of Pavia. While the realms of the Empire came together for purposes of defense against their aggressive neighbors to the East, and matters of general trade, each of the realms were ruled independently and responsible for their own affairs. Argos, Rojas, and the Kieran Isles were the strongest of the Pavian realms.


Argos, a lush country known for its sweeping fields full of wheat and rye and breathtaking sunsets, enjoyed unrivaled peace and contentment for over thirty years. Queen Eliza ruled judicially, taking a firm but sensible stance with the neighboring realms, and a nurturing and protective role with her subjects. She was given the nickname the "Pearl Queen" for her rare balance of heart and diplomacy and her shimmering blonde hair that appeared pearlescent in the bright sunlight of Argos. She was considered the rarest jewel in all of Pavia.

Beloved by her people and respected by the other queens of the West, Eliza toiled tirelessly during her reign, cultivating peace and prosperity across the land. While smaller than many of their neighbors, Argos had a strong foothold in all matters of commerce, fair trade, battle preparation and the security of Pavia, all thanks to Eliza's rare talent for easing tensions and commanding authority. Many people in the West believed Eliza to be the backbone, brain, and heart of their glorious empire, and none of the other queens dared disagree.

Next in line to the throne, Eliza's daughter, Princess Alexandra, had no interest in the world of queenship, preferring to captain the legendary Silver Knights of Argos, an elite squad of knights named for Eliza's mother, the Silver Queen, and who were handpicked from the ranks of the queen's Argosian Army. A mighty warrior like her aunt and her grandmother before her, Alex was strong, cunning, and fearless. Alex trained from an incredibly young age with her Aunt Alura, commander of the Knights, and the pair of them were as close as two people could be. They trained together, hunted together, and often took watch over the Castle's borders together, speaking late into the evening about their hopes for the future of their great land.

Alura and Alex carried matching bows carved from the bones of Alex's first kill, a large silver bear she felled in the Forest of Midvale. They performed the same exercises and wore the same armor, so they looked much more like mother and daughter than an aunt and her niece. Their bond was undeniable and unbreakable.

The neighboring realms and the people of Argos rested easy, even as their beloved queen aged, knowing her line would continue to rule.

As is usually the case with expectations, disappointment was not far behind.

Three days before the anniversary of Eliza's fiftieth year, she fell gravely ill and took to her bed. Calling for her family in the most dignified way possible, she reconciled with the fact that her final day was near and the time to transition the rule of Argos to her heir was upon them.

Her sister Princess Alura was the first to arrive to her bedchamber. Considering herself far more pragmatic than the queen, Alura did her best to keep her composure. Standing tall and dressed in leather body armor, Alura bowed her head and laid her bow on the table. The dying queen patted the bed and motioned for Alura to move closer. Eliza's body had all but given up, but she mustered the strength to give her sister a small smile. She reached up and moved a lock of Alura's wavy brown hair away from her face.

"Good day, sister."

Eliza murmured her greeting casually, as though it were any other day. "I pray you have avoided injury and feasted to strengthen yourself for training. How is our queen to be?"

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