Chapter 1

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 "Amanda, right here next to Chloe. Tristan you're by Rebecca." The teacher goes on and on about the new seating chart, basically pinning people next to those they've never interacted with. I'm not looking forward to my seat, the person I was next to before never spoke to me. The perfect arrangement considering I have no friends. I don't want any either, not in this class. No one in here seeks the Lord like they should, no one in here reads the bible. No one in here prays before a meal. I mean, seriously? Is anyone here even religious!

"God!" Rebecca screams, stubbing her toe. Using the Lord's name in vain, which is a sin. Not even saying sorry. People laugh, even though they should be getting mad. If someone in my house did that they would've been slapped on the back of the head, probably baptized in the sink and taken to confession.

"Chris Oak and Jasper Sheperd, right here please," Ms. Jackson, our math teacher, says with a smile.

"Yes ma'am!" Jasper replies with his own.

"No! I- I can't sit next to him!" I shreak, my golden hair flopping in my eyes.

"Too bad, Chris."

"He- He's a-"

"Don't you dare say what I think you're about to say! Sit down!"

"He's gay! Jesus is against that, God is against that! I can't!"

"Oh shut up with that shit! He didn't say any such thing!" Amanda says.

"What! The bible says a man shall not lie with another man!"

"It also says love thy neighbor so get your butt over here and listen to your scripture."

Reluctantly, I sit down next to the homo as I cross my hands over my chest and look at my text books. Love thy neighbor, yes. I will listen to that, that's what the bible says. I will just ignore him, let this day get over with.

Jasper, the usually bright and happy kid, looks down at his shaking hands as he bites his bottom lip. He looks about to cry, but I can tell that's not true. He's just being sexual or something.

Dinner is usually silent after we say grace, but It's been bothering me too much today. Now, I have to speak.

"They sat me next to him."

"Huh?" My mother says, looking up from her spaghetti.

"The homosexual, they made me sit next to him in over half my classes." I can't meet her eye, I'm mad about it but she'll be furious.

"What! Go shower quickly! That thing didn't touch you, did it? I'll make a complaint to the school right away!"

"No, no he didn't. He actually seems kind of swe-" I notice her glare, coming back to my own senses finally, "I mean, no he didn't touch me. I would never allow such a sinner to do such a thing."

"Good," She says suspiciously as she ushers me into the bathroom.

What came over me? Why would I call him sweet? He's the devil himself, no good! Those who sleep with other men defy the bible, and I hate people like that. They don't deserve to live!

That's what mother says anyways. And that's what she's always told me at night as she reads the bible. And the bible is always right, you can't defy it.

But what's with this pain in my chest, this swelling in my heart? Why do I actually want to. . . give him - it - a chance?

I turn on the cold water, scrubbing my brain anxiously. I won't give a sinner like him a chance! I can't! I wash my blonde hair, my speckled face as I attempt to get the horrible thoughts out of my mind. What is wrong with me? I'll read the bible when I'm done, maybe that'll help! Right?

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