For the Rest of our Lives

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This story was based off of a tiktok wonderfully drawn and told by, @patate.frenchie please go follow and check out some tiktoks!!

"You sure you don't want to do away with the beanie?" Wilbur asked smugly. He ran his fingers through the hair poking out of my hat, tucking some inside. Slowly he made his way down to my white dress shirt buttons and to the black suspenders. He pulled them tight and fidgeted with my collar, folding it down and pressing it lightly.

"Why would I get rid of my trademark?" I huffed, completely unhappy with the current situation.

"You better put a smile on your face or Bad will never say yes." Wilbur dragged the sides of my mouth up to force a grin. I rolled my eyes and pulled back away from him. A small chuckle fell off his lips.

"At least I'm asking him! If Karl didn't convince me I wouldn't be..."

"It's traditional. You know how Bad is. I mean, it would be awful news if he found out you proposed to his son without asking him first." Wilbur grabbed my shoulders and turned me around to face the path towards Bad's mansion. The wood was strict and to the point, very daunting from my angle. I stared at it and sighed.

"I'm starting to realize why Karl refused to come."

"Have you proposed to him yet?" Wilbur asked. I looked over my shoulder to address his question. My eyes angled downwards to avoid direct contact with his own.

"No. The only reason I asked him his opinion on Sapnap's proposal is because he won't remember in a few days that I even talked to him." I moved back and glanced up to the mansion's main path.

"It's that bad huh?" Wilbur let go of my shoulders. I nodded softly. He sucked in a deep breath and shoved me forwards towards the slope of the wood. "Enough sad talk. Go ask Bad if you can marry his son." I gripped the red roses in my hand and whisked around to Wil.

"What the hell do I even say?"

"I don't know, I'm not the one asking!" He smiled and turned his back on me, waving over his shoulder. "Let me know how it goes! I'll be at the bench." And with that he disappeared into the distance. I stood there wishing he would come back so I would have an ounce of support with me. But here I was, alone.

"It can't be that hard." I whispered to myself, shoving my feet in the direction of the mansion. "Just say, I want your son's hand in marriage, and I don't necessarily give a damn if you don't want me to." I constructed a series of scenarios in my head for what was about to happen. Most of them ended in Bad saying yes, but maybe I was being overconfident.

Bad is probably one of the nicest guys on the server. What reason would he have to say no?

I slowly approached the enormous front door. The wings of the mansion wrapped around near it. The house was huge due to Bad's large demon form. The one he was most comfortable in. I hoped, for my sake, that he would be shrunk down into his human form. That might make things easier.

My hand reached out to ring the doorbell when suddenly the door came flying open. I was lucky enough to have moved before I got hit, backing away to the steps.

There in the doorway stood a small blue creature with a hoodie on. How something so tiny could slam the door open, I had no clue. The second our eyes met it grew quickly into something I could more easily recognize, Skeppy.

But he didn't look like his normal self. His expression was a deep pout, and his eyes were noticeably red. His eyebrows were furrowed and obviously angry. Not only that but his arms were folded as well, not a great greeting for me.

Skeppy scanned my body up and down, raised an eyebrow at my scarily clean appearance, and glared at the flowers in my hand.

"Quackity. What are you doing here?" His voice was hostile, not as cheery as when I usually saw him. They had to have just had a fight. God, this is the worst time I could have picked to come here.

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