Lava Bath

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Anyone with eyes could tell that Bad was stressed, overworked and incredibly tired. I would get stopped by our friends asking every now and then how he was doing, since nobody had seen him out of the house in several days. I would shake my head and make up some excuse about how he was doing fine but working hard on something important.

His son, Sapnap, asked everyday how his dad was doing. Bad had been refusing to see anyone. I was too insistent to keep away, so I was his only human interaction in a few weeks. Plus, we live together.

"He's alive. That's the best news I can offer Sapnap." I sighed dramatically, my hands instinctively running through my hair. My shoulders fell slightly.

"Come on. He must be talking to you! Telling you what exactly he is doing!" He pushed. His arms chased out in front of him, latching onto my shoulders and shaking violently.

The only thing I knew is that there was an event coming up that required his full attention. I was told not to bug him even if I was bored. So I've been spending my time elsewhere, coming home when I felt like it, leaving when I wanted to. Bad wasn't acting like himself. He didn't ask me where I had been and see if I had any stories like he used to. He didn't even see if I had eaten or drank water that day, something that had been one of his top priorities.

"He isn't." I answered honestly. Sapnap huffed and released me, unpleased by my answer.

"Are you trying?" He questioned. I paused. Have I been trying? I mean now that I think about it, I don't believe I have. He told me to leave him alone so that is exactly what I did. I guess I've been ignoring his behavior for a while now, brushing off the ones who noticed that he needed help.

"You know what Sapnap? I think I should start." I answered. Without leaving enough time for him to respond I raced to our home as fast as I could. The huge mansion didn't seem daunting anymore, just a comfy place I call paradise. Plus, with the ceilings as high as they are for Bad, I have a lot of room to put plants and artwork.

I rushed up to the dark doors and yanked them open, flinging myself inside the main hallway. I knew where Bad was. He was never in a different spot ever since he started work.

"Bad!" I yelled out signaling my entrance to our home. I heard some ruckus in the room to the right of the hall. I smirked as I knew I had most likely scared him out of his work filled trance. I made my way over to the door and after a few soft knocks opened it enough to squeeze through. The room was quite large but remained small due to the walls covered in plans and blueprints. Everything was written in a language I couldn't understand. Bad insisted it was easier to write in his native tongue than English, but I always thought that was suspicious.

There were papers all over the ground with smeared ink and footsteps on them. After my rough assessment of the room my eyes flitted over to Bad. He sat in a chair, slightly too small for his height, at a desk nearby. Gold glasses hung loosely on his nose, and he peered over the lenses to look at me. I could see his tail agitate the papers behind him as it swung in an annoyed manor.

"Welcome home Skeppy." He spoke nonchalantly, like he didn't care what was coming out of his mouth. For the two seconds his eyes were on mine, they left and scanned the sheets in his hands. Reading lines written in codes. Bad's legs were crossed in front of him, and his hand landed on his forehead to massage softly. He read the words quietly to himself.

"Headache?" I questioned. Bad lifted his chin and turned to me, his legs falling off each other to land on the ground. He nodded his head a few times. I smiled and walked forward, as I did so it felt only natural to adapt my form to the diamond. The one I was most comfortable around Bad in. So, as I slowly shrunk and walked closer, Bad's eyes followed me. Once I was at the level of his knee I tugged lightly at his pants. He set his sheets down and bent forward, cupping his hands to give me an easy way up to him.

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