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with the wind blowing through her now long blonde wavy hair, lilia found herself seated on a wooden bench in a flowy white dress with a boatneck neckline. she moved her feet around on the warm sand, pondering why she was on this beach in the first place.

but it was better than being at orpheus academy, the school practically reeked of death and only the remaining six noticed. the lengths their school went to to cover up their students' gruesome deaths that were caused by them were absurd.

suddenly, she felt a comforting presence to her left. her breath hitched as she turned to face this said presence, a weary smile crept onto her lips as she reached out to her, mumbling


"hey you" her girlfriend beamed, before scrunching her nose up at her

"am i dead?"

"now what kind of a question is that? we're on the beach and you're over here thinking about death" jill giggled, taking lilia's hand into hers before fiddling with her fingers like she used to

"i miss you so much jill"

"i miss you too" the curly haired girl replied, rising from the bench before trotting towards the water, lilia shook her head, following behind her girlfriend before wrapping her arms around her from behind and lifting her from the ground, spinning her around while laughing heartily.

they spent the next couple of minutes playing by the sand and water, they weren't talking about anything important in particular, they were just spending time with each other like they used to.

getting a little tired, lilia crawled towards the blanket (that came out of nowhere) spread on the sand, she laid on her back, placing both her hands behind her neck before closing her eyes for a second, savoring the few moments of peace that she had.

the sound of the waves hitting the shore suddenly came to a halt, she promptly opened her eyes and scrambled off the blanket, only to realize that she wasn't on the beach anymore.

instead she was standing by the window of the boys' dormitory, everyone but wyatt was in the room. she scanned the group, jaeden wasn't wearing his cast, emily didn't have a scar and lauren and jaeden clearly weren't a thing yet. she peered through the window, only to see wyatt on that same stretcher the night the first time they all saw his body getting dragged out of campus

"wyatt!" brynn wailed, collapsing in jaeden's arms

but before lilia could even open her mouth to speak, there was yet again another change in scenery.

she was standing in the middle of a line with louis right in front of her and jules right behind her. the group was silent, but before she was even given the chance to say anything, the sound of brynn's earsplitting scream on the afternoon she fell thirty feet to her death met her ears

the group shuffled to the front, standing next to lauren before peering off the edge, the puddle of their friend's blood only got bigger as her joints bent in positions that would've absolutely ruined her dance career, assuming that death didn't already do that first.

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