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author: listen, i get not liking certain face claims. trust me i don't stan kenzie anymore either but the all the "i hope she dies" comments in the last chapter were very insensitive.

regardless of what of you feel about kenzie wishing death upon someone is never okay. and this is a work of fiction so i was really hoping that you guys would have separated the character and face claim.

i separated what i felt about the face claim in real life to write the characters' reaction properly. so it was very disheartening and annoying to see all the comments making fun of her situation. the comments i received last chapter were tone deaf and insensitive.

i in particular was offended, because it was my writing. here i am trying to write a sad, panicky, situation because my characters are grieving the loss of their friend and all i received were "HAHAHAS" and jokes making light of the situation.

i'm very disappointed. don't be surprised if i deleted your comments.

anyways enjoy the chapter


some time before dinner, jayden was sitting on her bed by herself, taking down some notes for the graded recitation she had to do tomorrow. it was couple days since they found kenzie's bed empty, and all her belongings gone, and knowing how that went with brynn and wyatt. they weren't even going to try to hold on to the fact that she may be may be alive.

because truth be told, they did it for wyatt and brynn. the brynn thing seemed irrational because they all saw it but they had at least hoped she was just paralyzed. with wyatt, they all hoped that they saw it wrong and he'd just show up at their dorm and laugh at them for crying over him, and tease them about how they actually love him.

they held onto those for awhile, and they still haven't returned. so they all figured it was pointless.

"1949, 1931, 1970"the blonde read, perusing through the notes she took down while trying to memorize what she was supposed to memorize.

as she read through some of the important events ms. allen had told them to take note of, she suddenly heard a knock at the door. grumbling softly, she looked up from her notebook and cleared her throat, yelling

"it's open! come in!"

the door knob clicked and the door was pushed open by none other than jules leblanc herself. jayden creased her eyebrows and immediately narrowed her eyes at the brunette who had been avoiding her like the plague for the past dew weeks.

what exactly was she doing in her room all of a sudden?

"jayden, hey..."jules greeted rather awkwardly, closing the door behind her before ambling towards the blonde


"i um, i came in here to apologize" the brunette stated, grabbing the chair from lilia's desk and taking a seat. she crossed her right leg over her left and clasped her fingers together, wrapping her left knee around her right before she continued with

"i was a jerk and i'm sorry. i was confused and i still kind of am, it was all so sudden and i didn't really know what to do"

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