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vote goal: 40

comment goal: >> 200 (means greater than by the way -oleffmartell confuses them sometimes :P )


"who lost an earring?!"

"anyone need some lipstick?!"

"wanna run through the choreo for the fourth dance with me?"

"hurry up so we can get warmed!"

"i think my pointe shoes are dead"

"wait i need to sew my costume!"

were only a few of the sentences you would hear in the backstage of a dressing room filled with dancers hours before a performance.

lilia was a little more inclined to lyrical and classical styles of dance as compared to jayden and kenzie who were much more focused on and better at hiphop. and so a mere three weeks after brynn's death, lilia was sitting in front of a mirror, doing her makeup for the upcoming end of the quarter showcase that the entire school looked forward to. seeing as to brynn was the one that was usually with her in lyrical and such, she was by herself.

being a performing arts school, they had a show every week or so, but the end of the quarter shows were the most important of them all. scouts, directors, and managers from all over were invited to watch. you screw this up and it's over.

lilia chose to ignore her classmates' chatter, focusing solely on perfecting her eye makeup so that they would look just fine on stage. it's not like they were talking about anything important anyway.

well, at least they weren't talking about anything important to lilia, until...

"hey whatever happened to brynn? why'd she just disappear off the face of the earth?"one of the dancers asked, her voice practically dripping with fake concern. wait let me rephrase the first part, one of the dancers that envied brynn asked. holding up the giselle costume that was supposed to be brynn's.

"does it matter? means some of the lead roles are up for grabs. who cares where she is"

"i heard she lashed out on one of the teachers and got expelled"

"nah i heard she made up some fake story about her parents not supporting her dream and threatening to pull her out of the school if she didn't get a lead role"

"ooh sob story, no wonder she got all the leads"

"i knew she was a suck up. she was never deserving of any of the roles they gave her, they gave it all to her out of pity"

clenching her jaw, lilia tried to prevent herself from lashing out at the girls, lilia had a tendency to just blurt things out whenever she was mad, she couldn't have anyone else know what happened in the basement.

"please she was the worst. i'm so glad she's not here anymore. lead roles are up for grabs, i deserved that giselle role"that same girl stated, taking the costume off of the mannequin before placing it over her body.

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