Chapter 20 Chase

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(AN: The twins and Bice's Aunt)

I sit there in shock, my eyes wide and tears falling down my cheeks. My whole body trembling as my breaths come out as pants. I can't seem to wrap my head around the fact that someone, Some THING! Did that to that angelo, playing outside right now. I look up at Lorenzo who has his hands folded and jaw clenched, Carena left the room a little while ago. She didn't want to hear about it again.

"And you don't know exactly what they did to her?" Ricardo asks his voice strained and his eyes screaming bloody fucking murder. Lorenzo shakes his head and looks back out the window. Proberly watching the kids play. I feel a sudden wave of rath run over me as I close my hands into a fist.

"Did you get the bastard?" I ask, seething in anger. I look back at Lorenzo who's whole body is shakning from adrenline. "You didn't!" I exclaim, in pure anger. How can he not kill and torture that bastard for what he did to that sweet girl. He doesn't even deserve hell fire, he deserves much much worse.

"We tried but-"

"But what?" Ricardo asks his voice strained and laced with venom.

"It's like the bastard didn't even exist." Both of our eyes go wide as we stare at Lorenzo who is watching our reactions carefully.

"What do you mean?" I said wondering how this could even be possible. He is just a normal human being, right?

"We only get very VERY basic info such as where he lives, job, birth date, etc. but when we went to his house we found it abandoned, his job resigned, and any other leads, false." Ricardo calms down a bit and bites his hand, a stressful habit of his.

"And their is nothing else." Ricardo says his head tilted and his eyes filled with wonder. It's his typical thinking face.

"No, but I have three people already working on it." We all remain quiet for a moment, thinking of possibilites and options. I have learned to get used to the quiet, it's a trait you must learn in the mafia. If you aren't used or ready for days or even weeks of nothing, then you won't make it. For reasons I don't want to explain. Just when Lorenzo opens his mouth Carena comes in.

"Dinner is ready, we should bring the kids back in." Carena says her voice is weary but joyus. Confusing but that means I get to see the angelo so it's not all bad.

"Okay then I will go get them." I respond, giving a quick kiss on Ricardo's forehead and running out the door. Trying to avoid the situatoin as much as possible because today is a day of celebration not planning.


We all lay out on the grass, making up funny stories and talking about the clouds. Bice seems to be having fun and I'm glad. We have all relaxed a bit and are definitly a little burnt out from laying out in the sun all day but it's nothing to serious.

"Hey Bice look, that one looks like a bee." Ercole says, Bice looking at where he is pointing and nodding in agreement.

"Yeah, it does wook wike a bee." She chirps, Ercole's chest puffing up with pride. Cocky bastard. I pull Bice into my chest, cuddling her. Bice giggling and turning around to face me. My eye lids heavy.

"Your tired Awesso, Wu need to sweep." I chuckle and hum in response.

"Maybe but we still have dinner and a moive later." Bice looks at me, pouting.

"But wu need sweep. We tan we eat and watch a moive water but wu need SWEEP!" I can't help but laugh at this girl's will. She does not seem to be backing down any time soon.

"Yeah Awesso go to sleep. WE can all play with Bice right?" Lazaro says his eyebrows lowered and a sly smile on his face. I immeditly wake up and grab Bice standing up and holding her tightly in my arms.

"You stay the hell away from her!" I scream me and Gio both standing close to each other.

"Hey Awesso wu said a bad word." Bice pouts.

"Sorry Bice, I'll make sure he doesn't get dessert later." Gio responds nudging Bice gently. Bice giggling but looking back at me and whispering in my ear.

"Wu can share mine, otay?" I chuckle under my breath nodding.

"Okay." Just when Lazaro was about to speak as usual in this family someone interrupts.

"BOYS DINNER!" I see Aunt Lucy running down towards us her long wavy red hair flowing in the wind. She reaches us and immeditly goes for Bice but I pull back protectivly. Aunt Lucy giving me a death glare but I only shoot one back. "Come on I'm not going to kidnap her just hold her."

The fact that she said that means she has been thinking about it. SO NO!

"Yeah right, we all know th-" Before I could even finish my sentence she grabs Bice and runs off.



Me and Gio call out chasing after her. Bice giggling the whole time.

 Bice giggling the whole time

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I got one early. WOOH HOO!
Hey guys I am planning on adding ANOTHER New charecter sooo...
If you go to my new book. "Exodus" and vote and comment your name. I will be adding you in my book!
If you get first the you get a perment new charecter.
Second gets a villian
and third gets a quick side charecter.
Let the games begin!

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