111) Vow Renewals

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DIXIE; [unbuckles Rylee] there you go baby!

RYLEE; [runs inside and sees James] JAMES!!!

[they hug]

RYLEE; happy burfday!!!

JAMES; [giggles] i free!! [three] i the same age you now!

RYLEE; yay!!!

CHARLI; [walks out of the kitchen] oh hey Ry! where are mama and dada?

NOAH; [walks inside holding a wrapped present] im here! [chuckles]

CHARLI; [walks over to him and side hugs him] hey

NOAH; [kisses the top of her head] hey! how are you?

CHARLI; good [smiles]

DIXIE; [walks inside] hey!

CHASE; [walks downstairs] hey guys!

[chase and dixie side hug and then charli and dixie hug, noah dabs chase up]

NOAH; where's my little birthday boy?

JAMES; i here! [runs over to him]

NOAH; [hugs him and picks him up] hey buddy! happy birthday!

JAMES; [hugs him around the neck] fank you!

NOAH; [puts him down again] here! [hands him his present]

JAMES; fank you uncle nowh and auntie dissy!

DIXIE; youre welcome bud [hugs him]

[dixie and charli start talking to each other and James and Rylee go to the playroom together]

NOAH; [gives chase a nod and they start to leave the room]

CHARLI; [sees them looking suspicious] where are you guys going? [raises an eyebrow]

CHASE; nowhere... w-we're just gonna chill outside for a bit

[the boys leave and go outside]

NOAH; ok, so we need to make this quick [laughs] did you get it?

CHASE; sure did! did you?

NOAH; i did, but i feel bad because she started crying when she noticed [chuckles]

CHASE; i dont think char noticed, or else she's just scared to tell me [laughs]

NOAH; more than likely [laughs]

CHASE; ok, so the sway boys and the other family and guests are gonna be arriving soon, like in 10 minutes....

NOAH; ok, so after the cake maybe?

CHASE; yes! perfect!

NOAH; [dabs him up] ok amazing, now lets go back in before they get suspicious [chuckles]

CHASE; yeah [chuckles] come on

[they go back inside to the kitchen where dixie and charli are]

CHARLI; that didn't take long....

CHASE; its too hot outside....

DIXIE; [laughs]

[a few minutes later the others start arriving] (a/n its just their close friends and family that already know about James)

[they all talk for a while and they give James his presents and birthday cards and now it is time for cake]

CHARLI; babe, will you sit him in his highchair please?

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