I did it to embarrass you!~Choi San

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Purple is the color of pride and extravagance. For as long as you and San have been dating, he never ceased to tease you. Sure it was just playful banter but it still was considered teasing. He was also pulling pranks on you and laughing at every little thing you did or said that wasn't right. At first, it was kind of cute. Now it was just plain annoying. You never doubted his love, but lately, it's seriously been getting on your nerves. In desperation, you turned to your unassuming confidant. "All I need, Wooyoung, is some help to get back at him for all the little, frustrating pranks he's pulled on me. Just a little karma, you know?" "Ah, I don't know, Y/n." He mumbled, rubbing the back of his neck. "I feel like I'm betraying the WooSan bromance if I help you get back at him. It just doesn't feel right." Your bottom lip jutted out as you pouted. "But you're the only other person who knows him like the back of your hand as I do. Please? Just a little help. The least I'm asking for is when he's planning the next prank. You don't even have to tell me what it is." He paused. "What do I get if I help you?" "Whatever you so desire." "Well, your, um, friend, ah, I was, uh, wondering if," He stumbled over his words, the tips of his ears turning pink. You smiled, holding up a hand to stop him. "Say no more. Her number in exchange for the date of his next prank." There was another pause as he weighed his options carefully, before holding his hand out, which you shook, signing the deal. "Alright, we have a deal. The next prank is going to happen tomorrow. I'm not sure when, but you have until then to come up with your next move." Tomorrow. Of course, it had to be tomorrow. I was giving a big presentation at work tomorrow. But, San was going to be doing an interview tomorrow as well for some YouTube show. Perhaps karma might just strike him there. The gears in my mind started ticking away and poor Wooyoung looked like he accidentally gave away the secret of the location of his top-secret candy stash that is totally not under his bed. "I feel like such a betrayer." He lamented a dramatic pout on his face. Shaking your head, you gave him a much calmer smile. "Ah, right, her number. It's on my phone. I'll give it to you in just a second, I promise." "Thank you Y/n and please, don't hurt my friend." "I promise, I won't. I just want a little payback." After fulfilling your end of the bargain, you set about working on your little plan for San. It had to catch him off-guard without being too suspicious before his shooting. Something discreet, but would still cause a buzz on social media. Even if you were public with our relationship, it was still recent enough that some fans still didn't know. Perhaps you could capitalize on that. "That's it!" You shouted, before covering your mouth and looking around, making sure the coast was still clear. When no one came to ask you about your sudden outburst, you grinned evilly to yourself before plotting your revenge. The day of filming arrived and you were on lunch break, meaning you were currently at the studio before the camera started rolling. San looked at you with a smile, but you could see the anxiety in his eyes. "Thank you for being here, Y/n. It means a lot. Even though I'm a little nervous, I feel fine with you here." With a big grin, you pressed a big kiss to his cheek, saying, "You're going to do great, just like you always do. Now, I have to go. I have my big presentation today." "Good luck!" He called after you as you waved goodbye. You smiled the whole ride back to the office, happy with the rich purple lipstick stain left on your boyfriend's cheek. It came out even better than you thought! He was going to be so embarrassed after the show! If you were lucky, you could postpone your presentation just enough to catch San receiving his karma live. "What's got you in such a good mood? Glad that the boss is out of the office so you don't have to give your presentation?" Your friend asked with a chuckle, pouring herself a cup of coffee from the breakroom. "The boss is out?" You asked, trying to feign innocence and not show your relief. "Yeah, her kid is sick or something." She shrugged. "Someone from sales was talking about it." You shrugged. At least if San planned on making you look bad in front of my boss, it wouldn't go through. But that didn't mean you felt guilty for the purple spot on his cheek. It was still payback for all the other little pranks he pulled. Taking out your phone, you beckoned for your friend to come and look. "Actually, I'm more excited about this." She looked at you, confused. "What? Wooyoung? I mean he is devastatingly handsome, but I don't-" "No, look!" You pointed to San and chuckled to yourself as he still hadn't wiped the lipstick off his cheek. "It's a little revenge from all the times he pranked me." "And you're not going to get in trouble for that?" Your friend looked at you incredulously. You shrugged. "Even if I do, it's SOOO going to be worth it." "San," The MC said. "I was just wondering if you know that you have some lipstick on your cheek. Is it perhaps from your new girlfriend?" He paused, bringing a hand up to smudge some of the purples onto his fingers. You chuckled at his smirk before he replied. "Well, I suppose so. I didn't realize she was sneaky enough to get me before the show. Mind if I send her a little message before we continue?" "Of course! Go right ahead." Before he could say anything, Jongho spoke up. "He wants to tell you that he loves you very much!" "And that he wants to kiss you all over when he sees you again," Yunho added with a laugh. "He also wants to tell you that he thinks you're the cutest thing in the world and that the lipstick prank was perfect!" Wooyoung snickered with a wink. San shook his head before he finally got to speak. "I want to tell her that, while I do love her very much, I also want to say well played, but be prepared. I'll get you back, just you wait and see." You turned the show-off, feeling a satisfying smirk crawl onto your face. "Ah, karma. Love to hate her, hate to love her." "Okay, Confucius." Your friend shook her head, laughing. "You're not afraid he's going to get you back?" Again, you shrugged. "If he does, I'm sure it won't be that bad. He's never gotten me that bad before. Besides if he does, I'll hold it over his head how bad he got me and use it as blackmail." "Ooo, you are evil. I feel a little bad for San." She teased. "Don't feel too bad for him. He brought this on himself." You reminded her. "Right, right, of course." As you went back to work, you couldn't stop the smug smile on your face. However, about fifteen minutes after the interview was over, you felt your phone vibrate. You didn't even have to look to know who it was from. San: Watch your back, dearie. I'm going to get to you sooner or later. You simply replied with: I'd like to see you try.

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