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It was the next day. I haven't talked to Amelia about the incident in the backroom. I also didn't talk to her at all.
I was so caught up in my thoughts as I stretched, that I didn't notice that Antonio and Amelia just entered, mid argument.
"Is that a fucking threat? You touched my fucking drum set!" Amelia yelled at Antonio as they walked in. Everyone was now interested in this conversation.
"I didn't touch your fucking drum set!"
"You touched the drum stick, because the left one has a chip in it!"
"Your crazy man, you sound insane! You realize that? You should be medicated." Antonio stated.
"Fuck you Antonio! I know you touched the drum set, and I want to hear that dirty little mouth admit it." Amelia scolded.
"God they are the hottest set of twins ever, both of them are so hot." Tory whisper-yelled.
"You like girls?" Mitch asked.
"Yeah, and boys, got a problem?" Tory asked annoyed.
We all tuned into the conversation that was still going on.
"Get out of my face! Or I'm gonna roundhouse your ass!" Antonio threatened.
"You swear on grandpas life, that you didn't touch it then?" Amelia gestured toward the old man in the office.
"I don't have to swear to shit!"
"That's because you put your sweaty must crusty dusty fingers in my drum-set!"
Everyone started to chuckle a bit at this, but Amelia didn't seem amused.
Antonio started walking towards the door of the dojo.
"Where are you going?" Amelia asked out of rage.
"Back home, to rub my nut sack on your drum set!" Antonio replied. I was holding back many laughs right now.
He started sprinting out the dojo, making Amelia follow close behind.
"I'm warning you Antonio!"
A few minutes later, both Amelia and Antonio come back to the dojo. With bloody noses and bruised eyes.
My first guess is they beat each other up.
"What the hell is wrong with you both?" Kreese yelled.
"He touched my drum set!" Amelia protested.
"I don't care, both of you, back room now!" Kreese yelled again.
They both looked at each other.
"This is your fault!" They said in sync.
They both groaned at the same time and went to the back room.
"Fucking idiot kids." Kreese muttered. Everyone started to snicker.
"Fall in!" Sensei ordered.
Right now, I'm stuck in the backroom with my idiot brother.
"Let's spar!" He suggested.
"I get to beat your weak ass that broke my drum set? Ok sure." I said as I stood up from the mats. We got into positions and started a small fight, but it soon got crazy.
I started by sending a kick to his side and a punch to his nose, he blocked both. He attempted to sweep my legs, but I jumped over his. I sent a harder punch to his face, which he failed to block.
I took this opportunity to kick him, but he caught my leg and swept my leg, I fell back.
"Never underestimate the enemy." Antonio taunted.
He was about to finish me, but I got up quickly and punched his stupid face, making him stumble away from me.
I pushed him with my foot, and he fell down. I punched his exposed stomach, and went to straddle him, but that didn't end well. He used his feet to launch off of him, and my back hit the wall. He tried to kick me, but I loved out of the way. I punched his chest, and sent a kick to his legs, which made him fall, but he got up super quick.
I continued to attempt to kick him. I tried to hit his side, shoulder, leg. He kept blocking. I eventually hit him, making him fall.
By now, our faces and knuckles were bloody, from our heated sparring.
"Impressive." I heard behind me from the back room.
I turned to see Sensei Kreese and all of the cobras watching.
"Use this as a lesson, never underestimate your enemy." Kreese told the group.
"Yes Sensei!" They all shouted.
"How long we're you standing there?" I asked.
"Since you started. We heard you guys fighting so I decided to use it as a lesson." Kreese said
All of the others had a look of worry on their face.
I laughed at them. They were probably surprised I beat up someone as buff as my brother.
Antonio got off the floor, sending me a glare.
"Don't touch my drum set again." I growled.
"I didn't touch your drum set." He argued.
"Yes you did and I have proof!"
"What proof?"
"The chip in my drum stick"
"That isn't proof!"
"Yes it- you still touched it!"
"Oh yeah?" He inched closer
"Yeah." I nodded. "Your really asking to get beat up... for the third time today."
"Try me-"
"ENOUGH!" Sensei Kreese yelled. "CLASS DISMISSED."

Pretty Boy~ H.MoskowitzWhere stories live. Discover now