Chapter 24

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Haechan was in the practice room, dancing to the new song of NCT dream. He was practicing for hours and hours these days and mark was getting worried. Mark had confronted Haechan few times but Haechan always replied with a 'don't worry' or 'i am okay'.

To be truthful, he was NOT okay. The choreographer soon entered and was shocked to see hyuck practicing but he smirked nevertheless. Haechan turned around to meet the choreographer and he trembled. 

"Continue"  He mentioned to hyuck. Hyuck played the music and started to dance again, moving his body so swiftly. 

The choreographer stopped the music and moved closer to hyuck, who panted and kept stepping back until his back hit the wall of the practice room. 

"Enough dancing. Let's have some fun, shall we babe?" The choreographer muttered, sliding his hands upon Haechan's cheek. Haechan moved his face away trying to get out of the hold. 

"S-stop please" Haechan said, but the other was nowhere near to stopping. The choreographer slid his hands through Haechan's shirt roaming his hands around haechan's slim waist.

"Such a pretty boy~ Such a nice waist~ All for daddy hm?" The choreographer husilky muttered against haecahn's ear. 

"please s-stop. I h-have a soulmate" Haechan said squirming in the hold of the other. 

The choreographer scoffeed and rolled up Haechan's slevee and saw mark's name written,

The choreographer laughed his lungs out then said, "He doesn't even like you. ALl he has is pity for you. I know you wear skirts and small crops tops, you look fucking sexy in that but that's not the point. Mark hates it. I know. He even hates your slim waist and he hates how badly you dance. He doesn't love you. Remember that" Haechan was crying at this point, since the mood was spoiled The choreographer  left  the practice room. Haechan got up dusting himself off and wiping his tears going away from the practice room. 

Haechan had soon reached the practice room and went to the bathroom to freshen up. He cried. he hurt himself and what not. He just didn't care about anything. The voices in the back of his head were telling him that what The choreographer  said was correct. but he tired not to believe that and failed.

"Haechan?" A  voice called out and knocked on the bathroom. Jaehyun. Haechan wiped everything and stopped crying, and put on his usual fake smile.

He opened the door, "Yeah hyung?" He said smiling brightly. 

"You okay? You were there for quite a while." Jaehyun asked worriedly. 

"Yeah, i was just freshening up. I went to practice" He answered back drying his hair with his towel. Jaehyun nodded.

"Okay" Jaehyun ruffled haechan's wet hair and went inside the bathroom. Haechan honestly wanted to cry much much more, but he couldn't even cry anymore. There was no water coming out of his eyes.

He went to his room and started listening to michael jackson to take his mind of everything. After a while, mark entered sweating all over. He frowned when he saw Haechan closing his eyes and listening to michael jackson.

"Baby?" Mark called out. Haechan opened his eyes, and closed the song. 

"Hi" Haechan answered as he watched mark open the aircon and put his stuff down. 

"there's something wrong" Mark said as he sat down next to hyuck on the bed. Haechan shook his head no.

"Yes, there is. You don't close your eyes and listen to michael jackson. YOu jam to it usually. You only close your eyes and rest listening to him when there's something wrong. And i've noticed you don't even wear your skirts anymore. And Jaehyun hyung told me you came from practice. Hyuck, what exactly wrong? I really need to know so i can help you, baby" Haechan was trying to stop himself from falling weak infront of mark. 

"Please tell me. Is anybody saying anything, is anybody doing anything to you?" Mark asked holding haechan hands. 

Haechan gave up trying to hide his emotions. Haechan gave up with everything. Mark was his soulmate and mark loved him. No one could tell him otherwise.

"M-mark...." Haechan called out weakly. Mark hugged Haechan patting and rubbing his back.

"Our dance teacher for  'hello future'...He had eyes on me since few days ago...He touched me mark....He also told me that you don't love me...he told me that boys shouldn't wear skirts...He said that you hate my dancing...and you hate me..." Haechan once again broke into tears. Mark was in shock and he felt anger bubbling up inside him. 

" bub, look me......Haechan. You are my soulmate. My world. No one has this much power in this earth to separate me from you. You and i are meant to be, sweetheart. I love you, and i will always love you. Remember that. And who said boys shouldn't wear skirts? Clothes don't have gender, love. You look hot, cute and sexy while wearing those and while dancing. And you dance amazing. Just amazing. There are less words in the dictionary to show how much i love you." Mark finished. haechan looked up and hugged mark.

"Thank you mark. I love you..." 

"Now, to deal with that asshole" Mark muttered. Haechan told him everything and how it happened. And right now they were watching the CCTV of the practice room from a few days ago. 

The choreographer would pass by him or bump into him by "accident" and many more. Mark took this CCTV footage and directly went to the CEO. 

"Hello, can i meet the CEO. It's urgent" Mark said to the lady. She nodded and called the CEO. 

The CEO had told them to wait five minutes. 

After  20 minutes they were allowed to enter the room. They bowed as they came into the room and sat down.

"Yes Mark and Hyuck, Why did you want to see me?" SM asked smiling towards them.

"Sir, could you watch these footages and please fire choreographer?" Mark kindly stated even though he had anger in him. SM was kunfused but he nodded and saw the footages anyway.

He was shocked, would be a understatement.

"I will fire him immediately. i am sorry Haechan you had to go through this" Haechan smiled and Mark muttered a thank you. 

Mark and Haechan left the office and Haechan hugged mark while kissing mark on the lips. They were going to the dorms and they met with the choreographer. mark felt all his anger build up in him again. haechan didn't even try to stop mark from punching the man again and again.

"Maybe this will teach you to not mess with anyone ever again. especially not without their consent" 

Haechan was slowly getting better and the NCT member especially Mark was with Haechan 24/7 and was taking care of him. 


Omg this was so hard to write. I am sorry Haechan. You are the most beautiful creature that has ever existed. I love you haechan SO MUCH <3333333

Thank you for 12.4k :D 


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