ten. a break

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"I don't want to talk to anyone right now, guys...",you mumble softly while facing away from them. Charlie sits at the edge of your bed and her eyes gaze at you in worry. Her lemony eyes flicker to Husk who shakes his head and gestures towards the door. He knows more than anyone that when you've had a fight with Alastor you just need to be left alone.

This isn't the first time you've had a fight with Alastor but it's the first time in a while. He wonders what's going on in your head, especially since Alastor grabbed you.

Charlie sighs softly and she stands up from the bed. "I'll be in my office if you need me, Y/N."

You stare down at the carpeted floor while hugging a pillow, in your hand is the photograph of you and Theodora. Shutting your eyes and exhaling shakily, you don't offer a response. Not to be rude but because the lump in your throat as seem to halted your speaking ability.

With a hard swallow, your entire body relaxes when the door clicks shut. You breathe out shakily once again and place the photo in your lap before bringing your hands up to your cheeks.

Why did Alastor get so furious? Was he going to kiss you or was that just your conscience imagining the best?

It's been so long since you had a fight with Alastor. Not that you and him ever fought a lot in life but you still fought just as any other romantic relationship does. Alastor often touched you when arguing, not in a harmful way but in a way that would let you know he still loved you.

Your eyes widen a bit when a realization comes to mind thinking about you and Alastor's fights.

Whenever the argument grew heated Alastor would grab your face and kiss you roughly. You never pulled away since you enjoyed his kiss but you recall once asking him why he did that. Why he would find some way to wrap his arms around you, plant his lips against yours, touch you in anyway.

"I'd never lay an angry hand on you. Not the way my father did to my mama. But I would lay a frustrated kiss against your lips. Besides...it knocks you off your feet and I wind up getting the upper hand, haha!"

For a moment you smile a bit, hearing his human voice in your head. But then you remember why you and Alastor ever fought. Usually they began when you were attempting to peel back the sour layers to Alastor. But the other times they were because of...jealousy.

Alastor has never been too fond of sharing things. Whether it be his food or music or you. While alive Alastor was quite the possessive one, the jealous one. He hated when other men would flirt or hang off of you—you hated it too—but Alastor always made it very clear he hated it.

He was jealous when Seviathan asked you on a date. Then you recall the way he acted when Seviathan gifted you the pocket watch and the way he acted when Seviathan gave you that first rose.

But why would Alastor be jealous? Unless...he still saw you the same as he did while alive.

Your breath catches in your throat and you clutch the pillow a bit tighter. Slipping the photo beneath your other pillows at the head of the bed, still staring down at the carpet.

The idea that Alastor is still in love with you...after so long apart and after so much you both have endured—it makes your eyes water and heart pound in your chest.

But that can't be possible. There's no way Alastor is still in love with you after decades upon decades of being apart, not so much as a word to one another. Maybe he's just possessive over a past flame? He's always wanted control of everything, maybe you're one of those things now.

Why does the thought of that hurt...? And why does the thought of him still being in love with you make your heart soar and a smile instinctively spread across your lips?

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