Crack: (─.─||)relationships

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No One POV

(A/N: This is when the protagonist only got like flash like dreams of his past memories but still doesn't understand Humans or Mortals not only that this is from a still peaceful era before the Archon War)

"So. To make mortal friends  one must just walk up and talk to them?" Morax said in a questioning tone towards a female who looks like she is in a sugar rush as she is in vibrates energy.

"Yep. That's right!" She said as she excitedly nods.

"I... Still don't understand..." Morax is in a lost of words as he tilted his head in confusion. The woman in white hair got an irk because of Morax dense.

"JUST GO TALK TO THEM!" She shouted frustratedly towards Morax as she wanted Morax to understand mortals.

"Alright. If you say so... Guizhong" Morax sighs in defeat as he finally walks towards to a random mortal.

"Heh. Just go now talk to the mortals make sure you bring your friends too!" Guizhong shouted happily, now that Morax is finally going to get a mortal friend. Then she skips happily away, leaving the poor yet confused Morax to talk to a random mortal.

Unnoticed or Unknowingly that Guizhong choice of  leaving the poor Morax yet not understanding of morals and anything of mortals(like for example; culture, politics, mannerisms, etc...) , would bring the worst type or case mortal towards him.

The Yandere Type, Stalker Type, Fan girls and Fan boys...

Have all started to grow and follow him. Morax who didn't know, that to this day...

Hell rain down...

Like badly...


As the time went on morax has slightly notice that the mortals kept giving him gifts, foods, and offering, in which he accepts and ignores the strange occurrences not noticing that a group of humans and some mortals are looking at morax in a different look or light.

Guizhong notices that everytime Morax comes back from the mortal village he has gifts, food and offering in hand. She stealthy follows morax once....



Let's just say she rather not talk about it.


(A/N: they immediately notice Guizhong and started to observe her to the point where glares and creepy looks are went towards her. She noticed this of course and thought that it was becoming weird and creepy as she follows morax as the looks went towards her to the point where she can fill chills down her spine, or something bad is going to happen so she listen to her gut feeling)


Guizhong went towards Morac and talk to him of his day with a gentle smile on her face, but inwardly she is slightly panic and worried for Morax.

"How's my day going in the moral village? It was fine, I did what you told me I talk to the mortals and tried to be friends with them but some of them look nervous or some of them blush and look at me in a weird way. Although it was weird, but they give me fascinating gifts so it must be a friendly gifts."

Guizhong look at morax slightly revealing  a horror look but as quickly as it appears it disappear returning to a gentle smile although a bit shaken and cold sweated before morax notice anything towards Guizhong reaction.

Guizhong finally realize the people or should I say the type of personality people thanks to her students as they answered her in her first and only last follow of morax.

"I have to go back towards the village Guizhong. Let's meet again sometime." Guizhong eyes slightly widen as she felt a bad feeling in her gut and quickly holds morax wrist tightly before he could move a step.

Morax slightly frown and tilted his head.

"Dear Guizhong what are you doing?"

"Hahaha... Let's go have some tea with your adepti and my students. Alright morax." Guizhong smile threatening, morax cold sweated towards Guizhong and look at her confusingly but agreeing.

Guizhong immediately drags morax.

'I can't let the mortals get morax Virtue!!!! NEVER!' Guizhong thought to herself as she inwardly felt protective towards the dense and yet innocent morax.

(A/N: *coughs* virgin *coughs*)


In Celestia where the gods rest in peace

Decades have Past

"OH HELL NAH!!! I WONT ACCEPT BEING DEAD I MUST PROTECT MORAX VIRTUE!!" Guizhong immediately went towards where to reincarnate and waits in line as her number is 80932 to reincarnate so it would take more of a decade for her to reincarnate as the God of Afterlife watches Guizhong in a nervous look on their face.

Meanwhile sometime in the future...

In Liyue Harbor

"So Mr. Zhongli have you ever been in a relationship or at least went on dates?" Childe ask at Zhongli who was drinking his tea in peace.

"I have not been on this called 'date' and no I have not been on a relationship." Zhongli returns to continue drinking his tea.

"Hahaha... C'mon tell me~" Zhongli stops drinking his tea and finally sets down the tea cup. As Zhongli just looks serious at Childe who now realize that Zhongli didn't joke.

"Wait... Your serious aren't you." Childe slightly widen his eyes in realization.

"Of course I am Childe. I am completely being honest with you. Anyways what brought this on." Zhongli said in a slight frown in confusion. Childe just looks at Zhongli with a nervous expression in his face, then slightly looks at the back of Zhongli which a lot of people are watching them in a creepy way might I add.

"Hahaha... Well with your looks I have thought you would have some experience in relationships. You see woman go crazy with you as boys look at you in awe or something." Zhongli looks confused.

"I have no idea what your talking about Childe." An awkward atmosphere appear.

"Y'know what never mind." Zhongli just give a slight hum and Childe immediately discuss something else to get his attention as the awkward atmosphere disappear.


Author Note:

😂 LOL 🤣

This is a crackfic. So Like it won't be mention towards any future chapters...

I write when I get inspired... So which is why my stories are slow updates...

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