pt 37

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It's been two weeks since y/n had that call with Mattia and she has been deeply scared to leave since her father is still recovering from his wounds but today they needed food so she had no choice but on the way she got an urge to maybe call the Dejuane but while doing so she turned on the news to find out two teenage boys were found in the river with gun shots to the head and y/n almost passed out when she saw the boys were Justin and Dejuane 

y/n: fuck this can't be if he has killed them that means me and my dad are next 

 dad: Next with what that asshole 

Y/n: No dad don't worry and you should maybe go lay down 

dad: how when everyday we are in constant fear about whats gonna happen to us 

y/n: dad don't think about that just be happy we're alive now 

dad: yea i guess but i have a surprise for you 

y/n: what is it 

dad: you remember that boy-

just then there was a knock at the door and y/n went to got answer 

y/n: who is it

Marc: its me marc 

thats when y/n turned to her dad but he was already heading back to his room so y/n opens the door

Marc: hey i'm the new kid next door your dad wanted me to hangout with you 

Marc was the boy Y/n liked even though he had just moved next door a week ago she knew he was love at first sight

Y/n: oh uh sure come in 

Marc: so what do you wanna do

Y/n: idk i usually stay in the house and try to avoid my ex 

Marc: well we could watch a movie maybe i can invite my gf Bianca and we can have a sleep over 

Even though what y/n heard crushed he she decided maybe she should not have a bf and maybe some friends 

Y/n: ok sure 

Marc: ight she should be getting back from her friends house at 3 and since its 12:00 pm rn we have like 3 hours to chill so you wanna go to the mall or something cutie 

y/n: yea sure 

time skip 

y/n and marc were at the mall and decided to get some nice out fits ( idk what to choose for him so i'm just gonna show what y/n is getting)

here are y/n's clothes but lets start off with the frisky clothes 

here are y/n's clothes but lets start off with the frisky clothes 

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( these will be important for later on)

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( these will be important for later on)

she also but other stuff but i'm too lazy to get back on pintrest 

time skip 

when they got home Marc saw that Bianca was at his house so he went to get her and a hour later they came to y/n's house and smelt a little fishy/salty ( idk how to explain how sex smells)

Y/n: thought you two bailed out on me 

Marc: nah we had to do something 

he says while winking at Bianca 

Marc: but anyways what movie yall wanna watch

Bianca and Y/n at the same time: THE CONJURING 

Marc: the movie so old but i let you two pick so it is what it is 

time skip

the movie was on for about 30 mins and when looked over marc and bianca were sleep but it was on 4 so she just decided to take a nap also but when she woke up it was about 8 and she also heard moans so she looked over 

Bianca: fuck daddy keep going faster

Marc: if thats what you want but don't be complaining  when you can't walk later 

y/n quickly looks back before they noticed but wondered why her dads door was open and in a panic she ran upstairs not caring if they saw her 

but when she went in she saw her dad had left a note saying 

Y/n if you are reading this i am on a plane to Italy because your grandma is sick and yes i'm hurt but i don't care but just know i love you very much.

thats when y/n heard a voice

Marc: uh sorry for what you had to wake up to but your dad wants us to stay here with you so i'm gonna go get my stuff 

Y/n: ok then

end of chapter 

um idk what this is i kinda forgot to add stuff about mattia but this was just an introduction to some new characters and if you don't know who marc is this is him 

um idk what this is i kinda forgot to add stuff about mattia but this was just an introduction to some new characters and if you don't know who marc is this is him 

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