Pt 12

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It's been two weeks sine the whole situation at mattia's and also since y/n and kobe linked and the day after he asked y/n to be his girlfriend and y/n said yes knowing damn well she didn't mean it.

Y/n pov

me and kobe have been together going on two weeks now and tbh i have no feeling's for him what so ever and its also been hard knowing that my only now ex best friend is dating my ex who i still love and i know that i need to get over him and move on but he's my addiction i can never get over he's my drug i feed on and with out it i'm lost but anyways let me get ready for school and wake up kobe since he moved in with me.

time skip

after i woke up kobe i got dressed did my hair and wore this outfit

i decided to keep it simple today and wore this

i decided to keep it simple today and wore this

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hairstyle (i know i could have found something better but i's lazy sorry)

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hairstyle (i know i could have found something better but i's lazy sorry)

hairstyle (i know i could have found something better but i's lazy sorry)

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and ya makeup

and this is what kobe wore

when they finally get out the house y/n see's mattia and avani making out on his car and kobe notices she's looking at them

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when they finally get out the house y/n see's mattia and avani making out on his car and kobe notices she's looking at them

Kobe: you alright babe 

Y/n: huh yeah i'm fine

when really she was hurt

Anyways they get to school and since they had 20 mins before class started they decided to go chill by the entrance with vallyk and derek and 5 mins into their conversation mattia and avani show up and mattia walks up to y/n.

Mattia: hey y/n you look fine today

Y/n: um thanks

y/n and mattia could both see kobe was getting upset

Mattia: calm down man i dont want her i already got girl right babe

he says as he kisses avani and y/n's heart was slowly breaking into pieces.

Mattia: but anyways we're heading to class see yall later

and with that him, avani and the rest of the Nj boys walked in the school

Kobe: i just wanna kill him so bad

Y/n: he isn't worth it babe don't do it let just go to class 

time skip to after school

Kobe: you wanna go to this party tonight 

Y/n: yeah sure babe 

Kobe: ok well its tonight at 8:00 so you wanna go to the mall with the boys

Y/n: yeah babe 

( im too lazy to write a mall scene so time skip)

after they got back from the mall it was already 7:00 pm so hurried up and got ready and this is what they wore

after they got back from the mall it was already 7:00 pm so hurried up and got ready and this is what they wore

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kobe wore that and i'm sorry it looks bad but i've never picked a boys outfit before

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kobe wore that and i'm sorry it looks bad but i've never picked a boys outfit before

so they get to the party and y/n see's mattia and mattia tells her to come here and she tells kobe she has to pee and she'll be back and so she follows mattia in to the bathroom and as soon as she get in there mattia slams the door shut and smashes his lips into y/n's and y/n kisses back and soon they start fucking in the bathroom and 20 mins later they hear a familiar voice.

Kobe: y/n how could you

Y/n: omg babe it's not what you look like ok

Mattia: yeah man 

Kobe: both of you stfu y/n we're done 

and with that kobe walks away 

Mattia: i think i'm gonna get back to the party

Y/n: what no

Mattia: yeah i am

Y/n: not you aren't go break up with Avani so we can be together

Mattia: look Y/n we're not dating until i say we are and my feelings are starting to grow for her 

Y/n: if you dont break up with her i will kill myself in front of every at this party and i will scream all the shitty things you have done to me.

Mattia: y/n you dont have the balls besides you can't even live without me i'm a drug for you and without me you feel worthless

and with that he walked away leaving y/n sobbing  

end of chapter 12 

Bye cuties<3

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