pt 35

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When y/n woke up the next morning she was back in her hotel room but felt something stiff on her butt when she looked behind her she saw a boy she had never even met or seen before but he was so cute.

Y/n: um who are you and why are you in my room 

the boy must have been a heavy sleeper cause when y/n poked him he didn't wake up so she decided to slap him.

???: damn what was that for 

Y/n: why are you in my room and who are you 

???: oh im Dejuane i saw some girls beating you up so i decided to push them bitches away i almost hit one of them but they ran away and then i brought you back in your room and i guess i fell alseep i really don't know what happened 

Y/n: and i guess you got a hard on also 

y/n points down to his boner which makes dejaune blush from embarrassment

Dejaune: sorry you were so pretty i guess when i was sleep i pushed a little too close to you but i can't help the fact that i have a morning wood

Y/n: its fine i-

thats when y/n got a message from Mattia

Mattia: i hope you enjoyed your beat down even though it got interrupted

Y/n: fuck you 

Mattia: hmm bad choice of words we'll target your dad next 

when y/n tried to respond she couldn't cause Mattia had blocked her 

Y/n: shit 

Dejuane: you alright 

Y/n: well im in some trouble with my ex boyfriend he already killed my mother now hes trying to kill my mouth and eventually me 

Dejuane: well it was nice knowing you but i gotta go

Y/n: y/n no wait if you help me i'll reward you 

Dejuane: with what 

Y/n: i'll let you fuck me 

Dejaune: damn im sold what do you need help with

Y/n: i need you to help me stop my ex 

Dejuane: and who is he

Y/n: Mattia Polibio

Dejuane: Umm idk if i can help you 

Y/n: why 

Dejuane: he killed my brother and friend and got away with it i don't wanna fuck with him so looks like you have to do it yourself 

thats when Dejuane ran out the hotel leaving y/n all alone 


y/n screams 

end of chapter 

Cheater- Mattia PolibioWhere stories live. Discover now