ENTP x INFP (1/3)

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Guess who breezed into the classroom?

He just shot through the door.

That’s right, Chase the teachers nightmare. According to him, he was the school's most bold dresser in class that day. He wore a vivid red cape, vibrant striped trousers, and clown makeup all in one. Chase gave the class a toothy grin and glistening fangs to enhance his pearly whites.
“Well Chase, what big teeth you have.” The teacher announced. The class broke into laughter in the background.

“Are you a clown or a vampire?” Teacher asked. “Up to you.” Chase said. “I’m going to risk it, a clown?” The teacher guessed. “Right you are teacher, 10 points for Gryffindor!” Chase chirped, he flashed a wink at frowning classmates and smirked at the teacher. “That’s really fascinating, clowns don’t wear capes though so I was quite puzzled.” “Are you sure?” Chase beamed. “Well Chase, I appreciate your confidence but please sit down and let’s start class.” “Yes, teacher.” Chase agreed, he sashayed beside some gossiping students, he flapped his cape as he passed. He chuckled and seated himself.

“Alright class, open to page 37.” The teacher began.

Class proceeded, she paused, “Chase, get your feet off the desk this instant!” The teacher commanded. “If you say so, teacher, but genuine question. When exactly are we gonna use this in the future?”

“Excuse me?” The teacher questioned.

“As far as we should know, chemistry is for romance novels.” Chase kidded. A few giggles from the class.

“Why study physical science when we could be learning how to use our imagination to critically think? Why not form our own opinions and facilitate our own learning style? Why establish rules like clowns can’t wear capes and use our focus on important things like skills for adult life?” Chase debated. “Chase, that is quite inappropriate and- “ The teacher scolded.  “'BOOOOO!” Some of Chase’s classmates chanted to the teacher.

"Quiet down class! Shush!” Teacher ordered. Right then the school bell boomed, Chase took this opportunity to slip out of class, he whisked into the bathroom and stuffed his clothing in his bag. He swept his makeup off and cruised out the door.

He met Justin who was conveniently at the doorway.

“Hey Justin. You saw my note?” Chase inquired. “Yes, you said you can get laid at a party? At my party?” Justin pressed, “That is correct.”  Chase replied. “Pffft nerd! Aren’t you the one who just caused an argument in class for fun?” Justin taunted.

Chase smirked. “Aren’t you that one that can’t keep your hands off of Kelly?” Chase hassled.

Justin massaged between his brows, he sighed.  “Alright, If you’re really a player, go flirt with that girl over there and get her number? If you can pick up a girl I’ll invite you to the party, okay?” Justin instructed, he gestured to a petite girl with two braids in the corner. “Now, see you tomorrow, classes are almost over. I would prepare to leave if I were you.” Justin advised.

“Sure thing!”

Chase sprung off the wall he was leaning on and marched over to a girl squatting beside her locker. She didn’t notice much since her eye was elsewhere, buried in her journal and then occasionally eyeing around the corner. She was scratching away with her pen before she could notice Chase craning over her. He sneered at how startled she was. Dazed as she appeared, she rose from her kneeling position. This gave him a chance to examine her, her hair was wound into two loose braids, she shut her journal and clung it to her chest. Chase eyed the journal before he decided to break the silence.

“Hey! I haven’t seen you before, what’s your name?” Chase beamed, right off the bat giving her an energetic grin.

“My name’s Bella, who are you?” The girl questioned. “Well, it’s a pleasure to meet you Bella. I’m Chase.” Chase acquainted, “How long have you been here? I haven’t really seen you around.” Chase inquired. “Well, I was just enrolled last week.” “That’s kinda late, the school year is almost up. What are you doing this summer?” Chase asked.

“Nothing important, I wanted to make some more friends but I guess there’s next year.” Bella sighed. Chase suppressed a smug smile, “Well, what’s stopping you now? I can guarantee most of the kids here are going to the same school, I know I am. What year are you in?” “I’m a Sophomore, you?“ “I’m a junior. I know, I’m old.” Chase joked, Bella chuckled.

“Alright Bella, I’ll tell you what, I’ll be your friend if  you give me your number.” Chase conditioned.

Bella hesitated, “What else am I getting out of it?” Bella asked skeptically, “I don’t know, what do you want?” Chase teased, silence for a moment. “Can I trust you?” Bella questioned timidly, Chase snickered “What do you mean? You tell me. Do you trust me?” Chase pressed.

“I guess so?” Bella claimed. “No, you have to be certain. Do you trust me?” Chase urged.

“Yes.” Bella finally agreed. “Hmm, interesting choice.” Chase jested, he revealed a cheeky smile and edged nearer to Bella, Bella returned the smile. “What’s wrong?” Chase questioned Bella. Bella squirmed nervously. “Nothing, it’s just. You’re really tall.” Bella remarked, she twirled her dark toffee braid around her finger. And it was true, Chase stood inches above Bella, it almost appeared as if he was looming over her. “I suppose so.” Chase shrugged.

“Well, see ya Bella!” Chase concluded. “Wait up!” Bella called to Chase, he froze in his tracks and turned. “Yes?” Chase sneered, “you wanted my number right?” Bella reminded Chase.

“Oh? Of course.” Chase nodded eagerly.

Chase withdrew his device and copied the number into his smartphone. They parted that day, Chase grinned pridefully as he veered away, he raked his lush brown hair between his fingers. Chase was certain Bella observed him strut down the hall before she too turned her back and broke for the next exit.

This part 1/3... If you're interested you are free to continue below. More ✨romance✨ ahead!

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