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Around 8 p.m. we made our way to Niall. He was a friend of ours and it was his birthday today. We were invited to a club by him. Harry wrote Liam that he and Avery were already there.

Apparently Harry has to take her everywhere.

Avery wasn't even friends with Niall! So why does she have to come with us?

"And now we're just thinking about the club and the alcohol!" Zayn clarified again.

I rolled my eyes but then nodded.

"There you guys are!" we were greeted by Niall.

"Happy Birthday." Zayn, Liam and I said in unison.

"Thank you guys." he grinned and sat down at the table where Harry and his attachment were already sitting.

"Hey, everything better again?" Harry asked across the table.

I nodded, but didn't dare look at him.

"Lou? What's wrong?" he asked and I knew that worry was written all over his face.

"Emmm... " I thought quickly. "I'm still too sober!"

What a stupid lie!

"Really? You almost never drink anything, and when you do, you only drink little." Harry laughed.

"It doesn't matter. Just leave me!" I snapped and literally jumped up.

I felt Avery's triumphant look on me as I walked to the bar.

"What can I give you?" the bartender asked, winking at me.

"A best friend who has not a girlfriend and shots." I mumbled sadly.

"All right. Unfortunately, I can't help you with that friend." he grinned.

Shortly afterwards, I got five shots and I drunk them all. It burned like hell in my throat, but it would change my situation. At least mentally.

Because without those shots, physically I'd be fine but mentally I'd be bruised.

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"Please don't tell me that it was really vodka. You drunk like 18 shots or something." Zayn asked after some time.

I hadn't moved from the bar since the first order. Actually I didn't even know how long I already sad here.

"N-No." I lied and looked at my hands, which were blurry.

"Oh Louis, we'll start planning tomorrow. Don't you want to enjoy the evening?" Zayn asked again.

He was a little drunk, but still sober. Good, let's call it tipsy.

"Heyyyyy Ladddsss." we suddenly heard it giggle behind us.

"How much did you drink Harry?" Zayn asked.

"Jus bear an a cocktail. Hahaha Cock-tail." Harry laughed and put an arm around my shoulder.

"H-Hawwy, pwease..." I said softly.

"Pease wot? I needta tell who somefing." he slurred.

"Can't. Too louwd." I tried to get rid of him.

I looked around the club as best I could, but I didn't see Avery anywhere.

"W-Where's Avery?" I asked him.

"Dunno no matter. Needta tell who somefing." he grinned and pulled me by the arm.

How can he be so drunk and still so strong?

I struggled, but he just wouldn't let go of me. Outside, the cool night air wafted around my ears.

Fragile Blue | Larry StylinsonWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu