"Stand Tall"

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"I would've killed them if they weren't already dead! What were they thinking? Keeping such a big thing from us. Ughh" Julie yelled out in frustration. "Oh my gosh Julie look a suset curve t-shirt in your mom's belongings!" Flynn exclaimed and showed the shirt to the two girls. "So? Maybe she went to one of their shows" Julie said but Flynn butted in "what if it's a sign?" Julie face palmed and said "signs? You believe in signs?" "Okay guys listen. Those boys brought music back to our lives. I think we owe it to them to help them cross over. We have to set them free" Pheobe said the last part while holding back a sob. The other two girls agreed and hugged Pheobe.

Pheobe, Julie and Melody walked into the studio and saw the depressive state of the boys. Melody asked to tag along as she was going to miss the boys specially the nagging of Reggie. "Snap out of it!" Julie yelled out making Alex fall over Luke. "Jeez I think you broke Alex" Reggie said making both Pheobe and Melody laugh out. "Look we have to do something. You guys have to cross over" Pheobe said and sighed. "Play the Orpheum? It's kinda impossible at this point. We're nobody" Luke said and Reggie added "And we have no bodies". The boys agreed with Reggie making the girls face palm. "But you're ghosts. Anything is possible" Melody said with a smirk.

The three girls sat anxiously on the couch waiting for the boys to give them the news. When suddenly the boys poofed in and Julie started asking series of questions. Pheobe's eyes widened as she said "girl you need to breath". "Everything is okay. You should be getting a phone call right now!" Alex yelled and pointed at Julie's phone which did not ring making Pheobe annoyed. "Okay. Right.....now!" Alex pointed again and this time the phone rang out making Pheobe yell out and hug luke tightly as the other also started laughing and yelling. "wait. Pick the phone jules!" Pheobe said as she and luke parted. As she responded to Tasha from the Orpheum everyone started celebrating again. But Pheobe and luke just stood looking at each other awkwardly.

"I think you should wear this red dress for today's performance" julie told pheobe while holding out a red dress to her. She just nodded and turned back to her thinking. "Pheebs I know you'll miss Luke alot. But it's for their own good okay? Let's go talk to them" Julie told the older girl and took her to the studio. "What happened to you guys?" Pheobe asked with a frown as she saw the look on the boys faces. "We just got rocked pretty hard by those jolts" Alex said and Reggie added "I think I ghost peed a little". Pheobe looked over at Luke who was looking at the ground trying to avoid her. She sighed and said "Luke can we talk in private for a minute?" Luke looked at her and nodded slightly before pulling her towards the door of the studio.

"Look Luke I- i think this is going to be a pretty awkward conversation because I have never fallen in love before okay? But I know that what I feel for you is real and I really love you. I just wanted you to know that I will always remember you. You made me realize so many things and I'm greatful for that. That's all" Pheobe let out with a loud sigh. Luke's eyes watered at this. "Life or whatever I have is really unfair pheebs. Just when things were getting good I-" his voice broke making Pheobe almost cry. She lunged forward and hugged him tightly and he hugged her back even tightly both knowing that they don't have to say anything else.

"Unbelievable! I just had sushi with Brendon Urie!" Flynn yelled out as she entered the back room where Pheobe was anxiously biting her nails

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"Unbelievable! I just had sushi with Brendon Urie!" Flynn yelled out as she entered the back room where Pheobe was anxiously biting her nails. "That's pretty cool. But Julie threw up in the car on the way over here" Pheobe told her friend making Julie give her a look. "It's time for your performance Julie!" One of the tech guys informed us and left. "The boys. They-" pheobe let out a sob before Julie could finish that sentence. "Hey hey! Honey shhh it's gonna be okay" Flynn tried to comfort Pheobe when Julie ran out somewhere making Pheobe more worried.

The two girls went out of the room as the tech guy was becoming worried about where Julie was. In the mean time Julie came back with a dahlia. "Signs! Let's go pheebs. We have to honor them by performing" Julie told the older girl and she nodded in agreement before the two went on stage. Julie started singing as Pheobe played the piano. But then all on a sudden Alex and Reggie appeared on stage making the girls chukcle in relief. Pheobe looked over to Luke's usual spot and saw him trying to blink in and after a few tries he succeeded making the girl let out a breath she didn't even know she was holding.

"Guys. I wanna talk to you both" carlos told us as we reached the house. "Sure but we have to do something first" Julie told him and he responded with a wink saying "don't ghost me" at us. We both looked at each other in wide eyes. "Jules you go ahead. I can't go in that studio right now" Pheobe told the younger girl and went up to their shared room. She was zoning out and thinking about the guys when suddenly Reggie poofed into the room making her flinch in surprise. "WE'RE BACK! THE BAND IS BACK BABY!" He yelled and fell right on top of the poor girl. "Wait.What? I'm touching you? REG?!" Pheobe yelled out and hugged him tightly as he hugged her back. Within seconds the other two boys poofed in and saw Reggie laying on top of Pheobe. "Hey! Get away from her" luke yelled and pulled him up. "I'm not getting it. HOW IS THIS HAPPENING?" Pheobe asked while looking at the three. "Well turns out playing the Orpheum wasn't our unfinished business so we came back to the garage and Julie could hug us which made us stronger and Caleb's stamp was lifted. So we are back oh my god" Alex said and did a little shimmy at the end. Pheobe let out a joyful laugh and hugged the older boy tightly. After that both him and Reggie poofed out leaving Luke and Pheobe alone. "So if you still love me and want me then do you think you could become my girlfriend?" Luke asked her while scratching the back of his head. She giggled and pulled the guy closer then connected their lips. "Does that answer your question?" She asked him as they pulled apart. "I'm gonna need more" he whispered and pulled her in another kiss.

_______________ The End_______________

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