"Wake up"

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"Ahhhh... That's me ripping off the band-aid" Julie said with an awkward laugh as she saw the boys enter the main house while she was talking to her Tia. One thing that often happened to Pheobe was that she would zone out completely until something or someone brought her back to her senses. She felt someone  tug on her hand and she jolted in surprise seeing it was Luke's. Wait how the hell was he touching her. Both of them looked at each other in surprise but the others were too busy to look at them. "You shouldn't be here" Julie said roughly to Reggie as he was trying to tell her something. Luke quickly let go of Pheobe's hand and Tia exclaimed "I'm just trying to help mia" ofcourse she thought Julie snapped at her. "No I mean you should be at pilates" Julie said with a smile. Tia bought it and left as the boys left too but luke and Pheobe's eyes met one last time before he left.

As Pheobe and Julie prepared to go to bed in their shared room the sound of guitar and drums being played were heard by everyone in the house. The girls gave each other a knowing look before going down to the studio.

"Cut it off guys! Now" Julie yelled but they didn't listen so Pheobe went and pulled the plugs making the guys whine. "The whole neighborhood could hear you" as soon as those words left Julie's mouth, the boys started exclaiming "People can hear us play? We may be dead but our music isn't!"

Julie quickly got annoyed and said "Why can't you just be like normal ghosts? Hang around some old mansions. I heard Pasadena's nice" then she went to leave but Pheobe stopped her and said "Jules back there when I was eating I was kinda zoning out then luke tried to touch me and he could. Luke can touch me. How can a ghost touch me?" She was genuinely scared. Everyone could feel it. "What? Seriously? Can we try to touch you too?" Reggie said with a slight pout. Pheobe nodded and as both Reggie and Alex tried to touch her their hands passed right through her. "What does this even mean? How can I only touch her?" Luke said in a confused tone. "Look we don't want any complications here. We were totally fine before you guys came. So just leave and pheebs don't worry. Nothing's wrong with you we'll figure something out" Julie said and gave Pheobe a side hug before the both girls left to go to the main house but were yet again stopped by luke poofing infront of them. "Look we just came back and got to know that the one thing we were living for our music, we can still play music and people can hear us play. We would be fools if we stopped playing music okay. And we obviously need to figure out what is happening with me and pheobe. And also we saw the lyrics on the piano. I bet one of you can sing because those lyrics were absolutely beautiful. You guys should understand how we feel about music" luke said and Julie quickly added "That was my mom's. She died. We don't play music" Pheobe gave her a look clearly knowing that she was lying. "we're so sorry. We didn't know" the boys said in sync. Ofcourse the other two boys were just behind Pheobe. "It's okay. I guess you guys can stay in the studio" Julie said finally caving in. Pheobe gave the guys a smile as they looked too much excited to stay. "Dibs on the shower!" Reggie yelled out. "This is just too weird" Julie said and left. "Just give her a little time guys. She's a sweetheart but now is not a great time in her life. Anyways welcome home" Pheobe told the three with a smile. Making them smile at her brightly. As she was leaving the two boys noticed Luke's eyes lingering on her.

Pheobe woke up to a familiar voice singing. She went to the window of her and Julie's room and as soon as she recognized Julie's powerful voice singing the song she, Julie and her mother wrote together a bright smile made it's way to her face. She enjoyed the whole song and opened her eyes to see the boys standing infront of the studio while bickering. She face palmed and got ready for school then took her art supplies and went to the studio. "Seriously you're spying on Jules and Flynn?" Pheobe said as she saw the two girls being spied on by the three ghosts. "Uhhhh no why would we-" the boys tried to explain themselves but nothing came out. "Why did she lie about singing? That girl has the voice of an angel" luke asked Pheobe and she sighed then said "gee I don't know.  Maybe she didn't know if she could trust three ghosts whom she met a few hours ago" before they could converse anymore the girls came out of the studio.

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