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"Sungie and Channie?" Felix peeks his head over the crowd of people as he walked by Minho's side.

"Hold on. They said they would meet us at the cafe. We aren't even there yet." Minho chuckles.

"Much bad. Excited!" Felix claps his hands.

Minho smiles at him as he watch him walk by his side. His eyes lit up in curiosity at the new things.

As a cat lover, he felt totally protective over the hybrid. Making sure he got to his friends and took care of him. He doesn't know if he would have done that if Felix wasn't a hybrid.

"It's here." Minho points out the cafe. Felix gasped as he look at the pretty teal sign that had pink lettering.

"Pretty!" Felix giggles as he takes Minho's hand and pulls him inside.

Felix was in even more awe as he looked around the cafe. Everything little thing catching his attention.

"Felix!" A voice calls making both him and Minho look over.

"Sungie!" Felix shouts as he runs over to two males sitting in a booth. Minho rushing to follow after him.

Felix was hugging the death out of the poor boy who Minho seen had a fluffy tail behind him with two small ears on top of his head.

"You must be Minho. I'm Chan and this is my boyfriend, Jisung." Chan sticks his hand out.

"Pleasure to meet you. Felix talk all night about you." Minho shakes his hand as he sits across from him.

Felix finally letting go of Jisung so he could sit next to Minho and the other sit by Chan.

"So how did you guys meet?" Minho asked.

"Lixie had secret computer. Find Sungie like me." Felix explains.

"We met Felix on a hybrid website. Where other hybrids can chat and meet up others like them. Jisung happen to stumble across Felix who was clueless about everything and helped him. They've video chatted and had calls for years. This is just the first time they've actually met." Chan explains more throughly.

"Do all hybrids talk like Felix?" Minho question.

"No. Felix doesn't know much because his parents didn't teach him much. They wanted to make sure that if he ever went to tell the cops about what they were doing, they wouldn't understand him or think he was crazy." Jisung finally spoke up.

Minho looks at Felix who was looking around with confuse eyes. The three using too many words at once for him to comprehend.

"So he's like a child basically?" Minho sighs.

"Basically. He told us that his parents never let him leave the house. They always keep him locked up unless they were selling him out. They keep him oblivious to anything going on in the outside world. Easier to keep him under their control." Chan looks at the confuse boy with a pitiful look.

"Lixie no understand!" Felix whines.

"We we're just saying how we should get some ice cream! How does that sound?" Jisung smiles at him. Felix instantly cheering up.

"Sungie said ice cream good! Wanna eat!" Felix nods.

"Me and Channie will get you the best kind. We'll be right back." Jisung says as the couple stands and makes their way over to the counter.

"So happy Min found friends!" Felix hugs him.

"Me too. I'm happy you have them. Now you can be with people you know." Minho pats his back. Felix pulls away to pout at Minho.

"Min no want Lixie?" Felix whispered.

"Oh god no! I just thought you would want to be with them instead!" Minho exclaims.

"No! Want Min!" Felix exclaims back making Minho shush him as he send a sorry smile to the people around them.

"That's fine, Lixie. You can stay with me." Minho hugs him back awkwardly. Another thing he didn't know he would do if Felix wasn't part cat.

"Okay! We got you simple chocolate to start out with! It's a little messy so be careful!" Jisung came back with a bowl and spoon. Felix's eyes lighting up as he looked at the bowl. Pulling himself away from Minho.

Jisung sits the bowl in front of Felix and placed the spoon in his hand. Felix being much like the child he is, grips the spoon with his whole hand around the handle to keep a grip as he scooped up a bite. The cat happily shoving it in his mouth with a giggle.

"Be careful. You can get brain freeze-" Chan was cut off by Felix scooping up more and more ice cream by the spoonful to stuff in his mouth.

"Jesus! Felix! Calm down! You'll get sick!" Minho had to grab Felix's hand to take the spoon away. It caught him off guard when Felix let out a low growl.

"Oh. That's new." Jisung eyes widen as he stare at the cat who had chocolate all over his face.

"Must have learn it from my cats." Minho says.

"Just slow down. You'll get a tummy ache and hurt your head. Yeah?" Minho hesitantly hands the spoon back. Felix nods and began taking small bites. Looking at his friends for approval that he was doing well.

"That's better." Minho smiles as he brings his hand up to rub behind Felix's ears. The cat closing his eyes in pure bliss as he let out soft purrs.

"Aw. They're so cute!" Jisung whispered to Chan.

"Calm down. We don't know if Minho even is ready to take care of a hybrid. Specially Felix. He's different from you. He can't be left alone or take care of himself." Chan says.

"I have faith in him."


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