|Ghost| Don't leave

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"Hey, wake up sleepy head"
I turned away from him but he climbed the ladder to be at my height since my bed was on top of his and he lightly hit me on the arm multiple times to possibly wake me up
"Y/N wake up, we gotta go soon"
He stopped hitting my arm, put on a shirt, took his mask, went down the ladder and got out of the room saying that they'll leave without me.
"Simon, you know you can't leave without me"
He had already left the room, probably went in the bathroom to brush his teeth or in the kitchen to eat fast. I closed my eyes and open it again maybe for five minutes then I got out of bed and checked the time
"Oh shit, GHOST!"

I got out of the room and saw everyone putting on their equipment and Simon laughed a bit at me.
"Hey hurry up a bit, we can't leave without you"
Price walked to me with a smile and handing me my gear.
"Oh god thanks"

I went into my room and dressed up as fast as I could. Out of the room I jogged next to Ghost and he put an arm around my shoulders.
"Let's kick some Russian ass"
He laughed and sat next to me in the truck.

15 minutes in the ride, Price talked to me.
"Hey C/N (code name), next time please try and wake up early so you don't be late"
Knowing him, I knew he wasn't mad at me or anything, he was just 'warning' me, in a friendly way.
"Uh yes, yes captain I'm sorry, it won't happen again"
He nodded and smiled. The ride was silent for 30 minutes until he spoke again
"Get ready boys, we're getting close"
We all checked our gears and ammunition and we soon arrived.
He made sure everyone knew their positions and we were ready to ambush those bastards.

"Stay in position they may arrive at any time now"
Price said
Since I was a sniper, I had the high ground, hidden in some leaves behind a tree trunk. I had the view on almost everyone.
"Movement, right side of the wood house"
"Affirmative, three armed hostiles"
The Russians stopped walking and looked at the ground where part of our squad was.
"Don't. move."
Somehow they didn't see them and they continued walking closer to the house.

"I got a clear shot"
"Take out the right one, I'll take the left one, Alpha 3-2, take out the middle one. 3, 2, 1, fire"
"Good job"
I took out the right one and 3 trucks came soon after
"I got eyes on 3 trucks, not ours"
The Russians got out of the car and checked the bodies
"они мертвы" (they're dead)
"блять" (fuck)
"Я вижу одного, укрывайся!" (I see one, take cover!)
"They saw us, engage targets!"
Everyone started shooting
"Y/N cover me!"
I heard Ghost say to me, but I couldn't find him anywhere
"Ghost, where are you?"
Shooting hostiles while looking for someone wasn't the easiest thing to do as a sniper
"Simon where are y-"

I wasn't behind my cover and wasn't paying attention to the other side of the trees and got shot in the chest by an enemy sniper, I fell on my back and heard Ghost talk again
"Y/N Did you move position? Help us! what are you doing?"
"Simon..I'm sorry I...can't.."
I didn't speak loud enough for him to hear me, my blood was rapidly leaving my body.

'That's it, that's how I die'
I thought.I laid there for wgat felt like hours until my vision was getting dark and blurry; I was letting go until I heard the leaves move behind me, I tried to pull out my M1911 but terribly failed due to the lack of strength.

I realized it was Ghost when I saw his mask appear in front of me
"Y/N, Y/N look at me"
He tried to get me up, to get me out of there but it hurt so much I couldn't do it. I could tell he was trying not to cry
"They're retreating we got them!"
Someone screamed not far away
"Y/N, you heard that? We got them, hold on, please don't leave me"
My eyes where closing but I tried not to let them
"Y/N is severely injured send a medic!"
He talked to me again
"Hey no, don't close your eyes, stay with me"
He put his hands on my injury, applying pressure and calling a medic, his voice cracking because he was now crying. I put my hand on his neck where his mask ends and asked.
"Can I see your face....one last time?"
He took off his mask revealing his face and blue eyes now red from crying. I smiled and put a hand on his cheek with the strength I had left. He looked at me in the eyes knowing I won't survive with this injury. He cried even harder knowing he'll have to live without me.
"Babe please don't leave me..no.."
My vision went dark and the last thing I heard was Ghost
"I love you"
He said while holding me close, crying in my neck

{Ghost's POV}

They let their last breath go and left me, their arm fell next to them and I cried in their neck holding them close. God I already miss Y/N. The medic finally arrived, with Price. I stared at the medic, why wasn't he there when I needed him?
"Where were you"
"I'm sorry Lieutenant"
Price walked next to me, he was also sad, he never looks affected when he looses a soldier, I guess everyone really liked them. I stared at them again, their eyes where closed. They looked so peaceful now...

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