|Ghost| Mean

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{Y/N's POV}
/Female reader here sorry\

The headquarters are is absolute chaos, the boys are often fighting over small stupid things and the next second, playing and laughing. Soap is like a brother to me and Price is a father figure, they also are the only ones that doesn't make jokes about me being a girl, like 'Go back to the kitchen' or 'women don't belong here' and Ghost is the worst. I never told Price or Soap about it, in fear beat their asses, I mean I wouldn't mind but they're good soldiers.

"What are you doing here, L/N"
I looked up to see brown eyes and a face covered by a skull painted mask. I looked around to see that I wasn't in my hallway, in fact, I was the hallway where his room was and it was the hallway next to mine.
"I uh sorry Ghost"
"I don't care you wanker, you shouldn't even be allowed here, just go away"
I started tearing up from him talking on this tone to me.
I turned around and speed walked out of his view in the 'living room', it's basically just a room with a couch and video games and a bar, etc. I sat on the couch and cried, tired of them making those types of joke, especially Ghost
"Y/N?, You okay mate?"
By this accent, I could tell that was Soap. He sat next to me and put an arm around my shoulder while I leaned on him
"almost everyone at here is making jokes about me being a 'useless girl'"
"Don't believe them you know that's not true."
"It's only because I'm a woman.."
He nodded his head and went silent, meaning he was thinking, and that's probably not a good sign
"It started with Ghost, I think, at the bar he called me a 'useless bitch' and everyone agreed and they never stopped calling me those things since"
His grip on my shoulder tighten and he stood up mumbling something
"He loves you"
"He loves you, but he's trying to keep you away from him because he's scared that if you get hurt it hurts him too or something like that"
I stared at him and stayed silent. Simon entered the room and stared at us before going for a beer in the fridge.
"Get out for a bit Y/N, would ya?"

{Soap's POV}

Y/N got out and I went to see Ghost
"ya wanna talk, Soap?"
"Why do you keep treating her like that? She's tired of it, she did nothing to you!"
He sigh
"I know.."
"Then stop! You did enough"
He lifted his mask up to take a sip of his beer and looked at the ground
"You're right.. it was stupid, I shouldn't have done that.."
He put his drink on the counter and walked away, putting his mask back in place
"Where are you going?"
"I'm gonna apologize and tell her the truth"

{Ghost's POV}

''where the hell could she be?..''
I thought myself. I stopped at her door and waited for her to open the door but it never happened.
Gary went by and probably wondered why I was at Y/N's door
"Watchu doing there?"
I turned to him
"Looking for Y/N, have you seen her?" He nod
"I think she went on the roof"
I went at the end of the hallway, where the stairs for the roof were and opened the door
Silence. I looked around and saw her sitting against a small wall, staring at the ground

"Hey, listen Y/N, I'm sorry.."
I sat next to she and they turned their head away from me. I sigh
"Listen, I love you alright? I was treating you like that to make sure you don't love me back, even if you weren't going to, I was scared that maybe if you did we'll end up together and the enemy will somehow know it and hurt you. And- And when I was insulting you, it was also hurting me. I know it's a bloody childish reason and I'm really sorry.." I finally confessed and she still haven't moved all could be heard from her were small whimpers, was she crying?
"Are you alright?"
She nodded
"I know I was stupid for making that to you..."
She turned to me, seeing her eyes red from crying hurts me bad. My body moved on it's own and hugged her, she hugged back, tighter, crying in my chest
"I love you too Simon"
I looked at her surprised
"Wh- you do?"
She smiled
"I loved you since the beginning. Heh, love at first sight. I just couldn't stop loving you even after all this..I don't know why..."
I didn't say anything after that
"What about the others, they'll still call me those things"
"Don't worry about it, I'll take care of them, whoever they are"
She moved and hid her face on my neck for a few seconds before looking back up at me
"Can you...can I see your face again...?"
I looked at her and smiled through my mask
"Of course"
I took off my mask and she smiled
"You're beautiful"
We stared at each other until I spoke
"Can I kiss you"

/Heya I just want to say thank you to
@SgtGhostWolf for inspiration for this story <3

y'all have a great day/night :))\

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