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"Thought I'd find you in here."

Ingrid, who had been sitting quite peacefully on one of the desks in the empty Charms classroom, turned around to see who'd entered behind her. None other than Dorcas Meadowes stumbled into her gaze - her signature braids back in, with blue, white, and navy beads at the bottom of each strand.

"I think you're starting to know me a little too well. Besides, I didn't leave a sign on the door inviting you in." Ingrid replied rather sharply before turning her gaze back to the floor in front of her. She resumed staring intently at the rather boring wooden floorboards at her feet.

"Oh," Dorcas remarked as she stepped into the room, "Somebody is in a mood."
Ingrid only hummed in response. There was no point in even pretending to deny it.
Dorcas quietly moved through the room before lifting herself up to sit on the desk opposite Ingrid. The blonde girl could practically feel the joy radiating off of the other girl, and that only annoyed her more.

Dorcas asked, harmlessly, "What's up?"
After a moment of tense silence, Ingrid explained, "I asked Remus about it. The Ministry thing. I think he might be avoiding me now. I don't know how I'm meant to find Horowitz now."

It had all looked so hopeful not so long ago. The fact that things weren't going at perfectly as Ingrid had wanted was hurtful. It wasn't a new feeling - she was very much used to feeling hurt at this stage of her life. What hurt was that despite her trying to be nicer to people, more understanding and kind, the universe was still working against her.

"I can ask Remus for you, if you like?" Dorcas offered.
"No." Ingrid shook her head, "If he doesn't want to help, that's fine."
The dark-haired girl's smile finally faded and was replaced with a frown. "I don't think that's the case. That doesn't sound like Remus."
Ingrid shrugged it off, "Whatever. I don't care."

"Alright," Dorcas brushed past it, "We'll come up with another plan, then. Oh! I know!"
Ingrid, still bitter, replied, "That was quick."
"Stop being rude, or I won't help you." Dorcas warned.
"Alright, alright!" She held up her hands to signal that she'd stop.

Dorcas, not smiling smugly, explained, "I know someone else who has a parent in a high working position at the Ministry. You're not going to like it."
"Who is it?"
"Marlene Mckinnon."

"Don't worry." Dorcas interjected, "I'll come with you and mediate."
So that was what the two girls did next. It was a cold and rainy autumnal day, so that left few places around the castle where Marlene might have been hanging out for them to search. Thankfully, Marlene wasn't in the Gryffindor common room.

Marlene was in the Great Hall, sat at the furthest end of the table by the Professor's seating, with Lily Evans, Mary Macdonald, and Alice Fortescue. They were giggling amongst themselves about something when Dorcas and Ingrid arrived.

"Hi Dorcas!" Lily greeted warmly and with a large grin, "And Ingrid! How are you both?"
"Absolutely delightful!" Ingrid responded with a deadly solemn face.
Dorcas elbowed her in the side.

"We're good, thanks." Dorcas smiled to each of the Gryffindor girls in turn, "I don't mean to be rude, but we just have a quick question to ask of Marlene, if that's alright?"
Marlene looked startled at the sound of her own name. She had, in her head, been debating between tuning out of the conversation to avoid Ingrid, or intently eavesdropping to find out some information about Ingrid.

For a moment, Marlene debated how exactly to respond. She felt the eyes of all the other girls trained on her. Then she said, "Sure."

Dorcas turned to Ingrid, guiding her to be the one that asked for the favour. The blonde sighed, made a conscious decision to refrain from rolling her eyes, and asked, "Does your father work in the Ministry of Magic? I'm trying to find someone that works there, only I don't know how to get in touch with them."

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