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November, 1960

Arienne Temple looked around the large room, with an expression of almost disgust carved into her usually soft features as she buttoned up her long, tailored black coat. Sometimes, she wondered to herself, if the mundanity of her job was really worth it. Though, there was nothing mundane about where she found herself currently.

"I know it's your first day back, and all, but don't look so bitter." Her colleague, Theodore Horowitz, offered with a slight smile as he nudged her gently in the side. Arienne only hummed in response, prompting Theodore to continue, "Really, this is the most exciting thing that's happened in... Well, probably years."

Theodore Horowitz was a junior to Arienne in their office. He had only finished Hogwarts a couple of years ago but his father - being very successful in the Ministry - had secured him a well respected job within the Department for the Regulation and Control of Magical Creatures.

"Exciting?" This caught her attention as she clarified, "A woman's been murdered, Horowitz."

He shrugged and pocketed his hands and responded, "Being sad about that isn't going to bring her back."
"I suppose." The young woman murmured as she pushed her brown hair behind her shoulders.

"I just... I don't really understand why we need to be here." Theodore rather sheepishly rubbed the back his neck.
Arienne pointed out, "The poor woman's house elf may very well need relocating - that's kind of our area of expertise."

"That's if the Aurors don't arrest the elf." He muttered to himself.
She hummed again in response and looked back out at the room they found themselves in.

The walls of the room were painted a ghastly vibrant shade of pink, and lined with what appeared to be lace stuck to the skirting boards and the corners where the walls became the ceiling. In the centre of the room, though you could barely see it from standing in the doorway, was an enormous teal, velvet armchair with a matching footstool - both looking as though they might crumble to death if they were sat on one more time. Beside the arm chair was a tall, potted lemon tree and on the other side was a small wooden table with a mug, some shattered glasses, and a packet of cigarettes on it.
But surrounding that central scene were countless boxes and crates and displays cabinets all haphazardly stacked in whatever space they could be crammed into. Everything was rammed full of what Arienne referred to as old junk, but what her boss marvelled as being brilliant heirlooms and historical artefacts.

"How is the little one? Sorry, I've forgotten her name." Theodore said.
Slowly, Arienne nodded, "Ingrid. She's good. She looks just like her father."
Theodore chuckled slightly, his shoulders bobbing up and down as he quipped, "That's a terrible thing to say about your daughter."

Arienne gently hit the older man in the stomach as she retorted, "You're an arse."
"Yes, ma'am." He pretended to salute her.

"I tried to convince Lars to take time off so he could take care of her this week whilst I started again at work but he wasn't for having it. I suppose it's a good thing now this has happened, though."
Theodore further asked, "So who's taking care of Ingrid now?"
She explained, "One of the interns. I feel a bit bad that her one week off in months is being spent babysitting, but I am paying her so I suppose I'm one-upping the Ministry."

"Yeah, this isn't really the environment to bring your daughter to work in." Theodore stared back out at the immense room.

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