869 58 6

November, 1960

"She doesn't even know what she's saying." Theodore hissed into Arienne' ear, "I bet she doesn't even know what year it is."
"That isn't helpful." She told him.

Hokey was a very old, very small house elf. When they'd first met her, Theodore had made a hushed jibe that the house elf had probably been alive at the time of Merlin. It was clear to anyone that in her old age, Hokey had become quite confused. She squinted at everything as though her whole field of vision was being perceived through fog and - despite having been told what had happened several times - kept asking what had gone on.

"Hokey..." Arienna crouched down so she was a much closer height to the house elf, "What were you doing just before... Before what happened to Ms Smith."
Hokey frowned slightly in thought and took a moment before, with a croaky voice, finally replying, "Hokey had... Was making hot chocolate for the mistress... Then Hokey gave it to the mistress and the mistress was reading a book and... And later the mistress had-was... G-gone..."

The young woman sighed softly as she stood up again, "It's okay, we'll take care of you."

Theodore pocketed the notebook and quill and he thought aloud, "Did anyone ever come to visit Hepzibah? She had no family so... What did she do with her time? Did friends visit?"
"We don't need to know-" Arienne was cut off as the house elf suddenly spoke up.

"The mistress..." Hokey's voice croaked slightly, "Would-would visit Borgin and Burkes a lot... I, erm... Mistress was an heir of Hufflepuff... Hokey is most proud to have served the mistress."
Arienne smiled, a contradictory sadness swimming in her dark eyes as she - in an attempt to distract Hokey from the death of Hepzibah Smith - asked, "An heir of Hufflepuff? She must have been a very remarkable woman."

Theodore scoffed and turned his back to the scene as he thought to himself that Hepzibah Smith had actually been a remarkably hideous woman.

"Mistress had a golden cup belonging to the founder of Hufflepuff... The mistress' most prized possession it was." Hokey explained with tear-stained cheeks and red eyes.

Arienne turned to Theodore and admitted, "That is quite impressive."
Though the younger man didn't respond. Instead, he looked straight past her and nodded back in the direction of the house. Slowly, she turned around to see Lars leaning against the open doorframe with his arms folded and a lit cigarette hanging from between his lips.

"You done already?" She asked him.
He nodded slowly and took the cigarette out of his mouth before replying, "I think we've got as much as we can from the house. Just some rich woman in an unfortunate accident. Though..."

"What is it?" Theodore asked - his curiosity getting the best of him.
Lars stared at the man for a moment - in the way that he knew was so intimidating - before raising the cigarette back to his lips and taking a slow drag.
Arienne shook her head and tutted, "Oh, stop being so dramatic, would you?"

"Alright," He chuckled and puffed out some smoke, "You know I shouldn't be telling you this. Anyway, the only thing that doesn't make sense is the poison."

Arienne turned back to Theodore and they both frowned at each other. "What do you mean?" She turned back to her husband.
"Why would Hepzibah Smith have poison in her home? And why keep it in the kitchen, not only near food, but open on a counter? It makes no sense." Lars explained.

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