Chapter 8

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I gave Vicky her tea while Danny fed the dogs, both dogs where beautiful and so calm especially with a new person in the house, both Vicky and I where sitting in the living room with the music channels playing in the back ground she's so nice and so like Danny, again we got into the conversation about Australia she then asked me "so are u thinking of going" I hesitated for a bit and nodded while sipping my tea "I think so I've googled where there going and it looks amazing the beeches are warm ,and the seas are crystal blue, the weather is fabulous and there's so many sights to see plus I've never even left the UK so I think I'm going to go" I said with a smile, next thing Danny comes jumping in like a little kid shouting "YEAHHH UR COMING WHOOO" both Vicky and I burst into laughter.

After a while Vicky got a phone call and had to leave which was disappointing because we really hit it off but I'm sure I'll see her again soon, After she left danny came in with a bottle of lager and a can of coke, he sat down beside me and never made eye contact I knew something was wrong u was just hoping that I didn't cause it.

We sat in silence for a bit when he perked up the courage and asked me "why were u so upset earlier" I sat there in hesitance I then cleared my throat "Today 8 years ago I got a letter from my brother saying that my mum had killed herself and that was the last that I've heard from him" I bowed my head "until now" I whispered "what?!?" I looked at him "what did u just say" I started to get really frightened I didn't know what to think he gave me a sympathetic look and whispered "I know, I know Dougie's ur bother" I sat there frozen to my seat how could he have possibly found out?and is that why they adopted me to bring dougie and his sister back together? If so I don't what to be here!

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