Chapter Fourteen: Toby Crawford

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Toby thought it was a terrible idea that Trevor was visiting Brittany at college... again. He wondered where his bravery came from, considering last time he caught his girlfriend in bed with another guy.

His eyes were glued on Brittany and Trevor as they danced closely. He was dumb to think they couldn't be any more touchy at the pregame. He was clearly wrong. They both couldn't get their hands off of each other. Plus, they were kissing every chance they got. Toby wanted to puke.

If Toby was being honest, the sight startled him. In the most straight-up way of stating the truth, Brittany hated to be touched - especially in public. When they were together, too much touching irritated her, and she valued her personal space. So, watching her show so much affection to Trevor was quite shocking.

He wasn't sure why he always caught himself comparing his relationship with Brittany to her relationship with Trevor. He knew that was an unhealthy mindset. It shouldn't have bothered him, anyway. He dated Brittany when he was seventeen. She was nineteen now. She was far more mature and things were clearly different in terms of what she wanted in a relationship.

What mattered the most was that she was happy - and she was just that. Safe and happy... but with Trevor Mendez. For Toby, that was what stung the most.

He could tell she loved Trevor. Everything she did, every decision she made, every thought she had, she kept him in the back of her mind. She was so loyal. In fact, probably one of the most loyal people Toby had ever known. She would never hurt anyone she truly cared about - but the relationship had to be mutual. Therefore, she would never even think to hurt Trevor. Sometimes, she put him first before she thought about herself.

Toby had said it before and he'd say it again. Trevor was an extremely lucky guy, because not only was he dating Brittany Rivera, but he was also dating the most dependable and trustworthy person. She was someone who could love with all of her heart. She was everything a guy had ever wanted. The full package.

With that being said, he really hoped Trevor understood that he wasn't just dating the Brittany Rivera everyone knew - the girl whose family had a title in West Coral, or more specifically the rich, pretty girl with good hair. There was so much more to her than just those things, which was part of the reason she used to be so insecure. Toby saw all of her, he always did, and he wished Trevor saw her in the same way.

Toby couldn't handle watching any more of Brittany and Trevor's PDA. He stepped away from the commotion of the party, getting some fresh air outside. The slightly chilly air was just enough to cool him off, making him feel even more relieved to be outside. There were no sights of his ex-girlfriend all over her boyfriend or the far too hot temperate of the room because too many people were crowded in one space. It felt nice to get away from that, even if it was just for a few minutes.

He inhaled his vape, which he had been trying to quit fit the past year. At this point, he relied on it to make him feel better, which made it feel impossible to let go of the bad habit.

Before taking another hit, he heard the front door creak open. He turned around, vape in hand as he met the familiar blue eyes that belonged to Brittany. She took a glance at the vape in his hands. "Still trying to quit?"

"Not anymore," he told her, not at all ashamed of his incapability to stop a poor habit. He took another hit before a cloud of smoke left his mouth. He looked down at the pink colored vape with a smile on his face. "It's too good to let go."

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