Chapter Two: Confessions

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After a day full of celebrating graduating high school, Max saw the perfect opportunity to throw a party.

Even though he graduated last year and was going into his sophomore year of college, he needed every excuse to crack open a White Claw. Hosting a party for his friends that graduated that morning sounded like a plan.

But... on the other hand, it didn't sound exactly like the perfect plan to Juliana. After all, it was Max throwing the party. She already predicted who would be in attendance: Giovanni, Alivia, Lola, Lex, Parker... and other people she didn't want to see.

However, just like Max - Brittany and Cassie were always down for a party. So, it came as no surprise to the guests in attendance when they watched them walk through the door.

Brittany inspected the party scene, not very thrilled by the sight in front of her. The more guests she acknowledged, the more she felt like throwing up. It seemed like Max invited everyone she hated from high school - and she knew the feeling was mutual.

"You invited her?" Lex questioned Max, trying her hardest not to gag at the sight in front of her.

Brittany smiled, as always, feeding off of insults directed towards her. "Thanks for the introduction, Lex," she said before a fake smile formed on her face. What she really wanted to say was: it's not my fault you hate me because we fucked the same guys. "I feel so thrilled to be here with all of these losers who peaked in high school."

Max was quick to speak in an attempt to stop a fight before it started. "Brittany, thank you for being charming as always," he said as she laughed. "We should start drinking."

And even when they started to drink, Brittany was regretting going to the party. She wasn't aware it would be this small. She was used to the big parties at Toby's house before he graduated.

"Let's play a game," suggested Giovanni before taking a swig of his drink.

Brittany rolled her eyes at his comment. She should have known he would say something like that because he was bored and wanted to stir up drama. "Of course," she said in a disgusted tone, making Cassie laugh.

Giovanni ignored her comment as he turned to Alivia. "Truth or dare."

"Dare," she said with a smile on her face.

"I dare you to tell us how drunk you would have to be to fuck Toby Crawford," he instigated as his eyes were Brittany from across the pool. She took a sip of her White Claw, unfazed by his question. He grew angry, expecting more of a reaction from her. He guessed he should have said Trevor instead.

Alivia was caught off guard by his question but nonetheless answered truthfully. "I wouldn't have to be drunk. He's hot."

Brittany rolled her eyes at her response. "Well, he would reject you," she insulted, taking her another sip of her drink. "This game is so boring."

"I guess that means it's your turn to go, Brittany," Parker chimed in, loving every second of the game. Brittany should have expected that coming from her ex-boyfriend who loved drama almost as much as her.

"Fine," she gave in. "Truth," she said confidently, surprising everyone. They fully expected her to say dare, as she was always up for a challenge. They guessed she wasn't feeling as risky as usual that night.

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