Chapter Twenty-Eight: Brittany and Toby

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On a late Wednesday night, Brittany and Toby sailed down the canal. It had been four months since they last saw each other, so when Toby returned home for winter break, they made it a point to hang out.

They had been drinking, which explained why Brittany felt the need to overshare and admit that Trevor had sex with three other girls in Las Vegas only four days after they went on a "break." She hadn't found the courage to tell anyone what happened because of how humiliated she was. Someone she loved was intimate with other girls the second they went on a break. It was safe to say that she was heartbroken.

A break meant a break... literally. They didn't break up, they were just taking a few months off with plans to get back together. Clearly, there was a miscommunication somewhere down the line. The second Brittany found out that Trevor put his penis inside other girls, she made it very clear they were broken up and were not doing "any of that break shit."

She took that as her karma for having sex with Toby when she was on a break with Parker. However, they were fifteen/sixteen at the time and didn't exactly clarify what they could/could not do while on a break, like getting with other people, because sex wasn't even on their minds at the time. Things were different then. They were young and immature. They were eighteen/nineteen now. Brittany at least thought that Trevor would have some dignity.

Or maybe this was her karma for cheating on Parker with Jordan, which she felt the need to do because of how awful he treated her in their relationship. However, it was clear she had made many bad decisions in the past. She thought the world was paying her back and trying to prove a point somehow.

And while they were on the topic of Trevor getting with other girls - and the drinks were making Brittany say crude things she wouldn't say sober - she mentioned how sex with Trevor was terrible. It wasn't that he was inexperienced - she taught him how to do things she liked - but it was that they weren't sexually compatible. She also mentioned that having sex with him was a rare occurrence because she was never in the mood, considering they were always annoyed at each other for something. She felt terrible for voicing her opinion, which she knew was not nice, but it was the truth.

After he anchored the boat and they sat next to each other, they continued to drink, which made Brittany more inclined to spill her life story. Toby listened to every word she said, which was why she liked telling him her problems. He was a boy - he didn't seek competition with her, he wasn't jealous of her, and wasn't constantly projecting his insecurities on her. It was so easy to say what was on her mind without being judged, which meant she didn't fear telling him the things Trevor couldn't achieve in bed, reminding him of how she liked to be touched, and such...

And as they talked about sex, finished a small bottle of vodka, and reminisced on when they were in love with each other... it was no surprise that things escalated. In the moment, everything just felt right. To Brittany, it wasn't even about getting revenge - something she was very good at. She didn't want to get with Toby for the sole purpose of getting back at Trevor for what he did to her. It was the mutual energy between them, unresolved feelings, and their lust for each other that explained why they had sex that night.

"I always have so much fun with you," Toby told her when the night was over as he stopped the boat in front of her house.

"I always have so much fun with you too," she said as she snaked her arms around his neck, looking into his eyes through the dim lighting. She leaned closer to him, their lips meeting each other's as they started to make out. It was as if being intimate wasn't enough that night - they had to get every last second of being close to each other. Brittany was so drunk and caught up in the moment that she didn't care if her parents saw her through the window. After all, she figured they had grown a suspicion that their youngest daughter wasn't exactly... innocent... so maybe they wouldn't be so shocked. "I'll see you soon. Get home safe, okay?" She said as she swiftly kissed him on the cheek before stepping off the boat.

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