chapter three

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during lunch, felix sits down next to jisung, and hoping that chan wouldn't see him.

"what's that look for?" jisung looks at him.

"that stupid bet thing, I don't want chan coming over here"

"ahhhh hey chan! over here!" jisung waves, and felix hits him.

"dude what the hell!?" jisung starts laughing as felix gets angry with him.

"what? I'm curious to see how this plays out! it's like a rom com... the boy tries to impress the other boy... and in the end... they always end up together!" felix shushes him as chan comes over.

"hello there" chan sits down across from felix, and he gives him a glare.

"this is gonna be interesting" jisung watches them as felix gives him looks while chan was acting nice to him.

"geez chan why didn't you wait for me?" hyunjin sits next to him.

"oh great now his friends are gonna sit here too" felix rolls his eyes.

"hello there... what's your name?" jisung looks at hyunjin, felix hits him.

"you're dating my brother you pervert"

"hey hey! come on, calm down now" jisung looks at him.

"why should I calm down when the guy I can't stand is sitting here and acting all nice? it makes me sick" felix looks down and plays with his food.

"just give him a chance" jisung says.

felix glances at chan, who now looked upset.

"oh come on why are you upset?"

"you didn't give me a chance yet... and you're saying all these things about me" chan looks down.

"you know that I don't like you... you should've known I would be like this when you gave the bet"

"I know... I can deal with it I guess"

felix doesn't say anything, he just keeps eating.

"oh my god there's the new kid! apparently he's a bully" jisung points over to a guy who walked into the canteen.

"well he won't get to us" chan says.

"whatever, I'm throwing my trash away" felix gets up and puts his tray with the others, when he turns around, he sees someone in front of him.

"move it blondie" it was the bully.

"you move it"

"wow you got a mouth on ya! I said move" he started giving him a death glare, while felix crosses his arms and just stands there.

"I said move!" felix gets pushed into the other trays, all eyes are now on them.

"felix!" chan goes over to him and helps him up.

felix looks at the guy and then he pushes him onto the ground.

"how dare you push me!" before he can fight back, chan steps in front of felix.

"don't touch him" chan says.

"you think I'm gonna listen to you?" he gets closer to him.

"no but if you don't this won't end well"

"chan stop let's just leave him alone" felix says.

"no because then he wins, I don't like that he tried to hurt you"

"awww you two are a couple! what a fag"

"what did you just say!?" jisung now steps in.

"I called them fags, what about it?"

chan looks down and then sighs.

he doesn't say anything else, and just walks away to leave the canteen.

felix sighs and then goes after him.

"stay the fuck away" hyunjin gives him a glare and walks away to go after chan as well.

felix sees chan sitting against the lockers outside the canteen.

"you didn't need to let him get to you ya know" felix walks over to him.

"just go away"

"wow now you want me to go away"

"I don't want you to see me cry" chan looks at him, then he looks away to hide his tears from him.

"it's not healthy to hold in your cries, just let it out, don't worry about me seeing you" chan looks at him with tears in his eyes.

"I... I wanted to protect you but... he called me that word..." chan looks down.

"you didn't need to protect me"

"yes I did... I want you to rely on me and depend on me"

"can I ask you something?" chan nods.

"why do you like me?"

"ever since I've known you... you've always been so loyal to your friends... you're kind to others and you're also... you're just so beautiful"

for the first time, felix smiled in front of chan.


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